or provide key setting menu.
users should be able to assign things themselves.
or provide key setting menu.
users should be able to assign things themselves.
Key Controlling probably needs a decision/split at game entry level.
PC, Mac, Android can impossibly undergo the identical interaction control regime,
that has been a total illusion of Ipacs and will fall anyway, now or in the future.
The connected controller hardware on second level and the function groups (view control, sim control, motion control) on third level.
ipacs is not the first to deal with this interaction issue.
FSX switched mouse view vs. mouse clickability with a simple °§ key.
this allowed to look around and freeze when you work on panel.
Key Controlling probably needs a decision/split at game entry level.
PC, Mac, Android can impossibly undergo the identical interaction control regime,
that has been a total illusion of Ipacs and will fall anyway, now or in the future.
Actually it can be done, there are ways to achieve it, e.g. drag each switch into position. This is not ideal, agreed.
I'd prefer to have a typical windows style interaction with left and right mouse button, mouse wheel and even the middle mouse button (pressing down the mouse wheel). For the support of MAC and mobile we could use press and hold for a right click or click and drag. Scrolling by pinch to zoom or two finger rotating motion...
So, I agree with your opinion, it should be a different interaction for each of the devices. It still could be done in one way but why give up the great and intuitive mouse interaction with right click for example.
ok, then allow shift + scroll.
so easy.
If you have to hold down any key on your keyboard you can also just press z to be honest. The point is taking the hand off the keyboard and stay on mouse and joystick.
For X-Plane I think I have an add-on that enables mouse zoom when I point at the upper or lower edge of the screen. In the center it is not active, so that I can rotate the mouse wheel all I want. Only when the cursor is at the top or bottom I can zoom in and out. That is one solution, still not ideal.
I liked the solution in the Ezdok Camera add-on for FSX/P3D.
Click and hold the mouse wheel to look around.
Click and hold the mouse wheel and scroll it for zoom.
Everything happens with one hand. I hate it when i have to use two hands for looking and/or zooming. But in VR it doesn't matter.
Click and hold the mouse wheel to look around.
Click and hold the mouse wheel and scroll it for zoom.
Holding down the middle mouse button while scrolling sounds complicated, but I like the idea of using the middle mouse button to pan the view.
What about a time delay on the centre button. Whereby by first clicking down on the wheel it changes the wheel function momentarily to zoom function, then after say one second the wheel reverts to the normal hot spot function. This could be set up to only operate if the cursor was not already over a hot spot.
i use a pc with a logitech G940 mouse. so i dont bother too much about apple or mobile😁.
i would like moving the mouse around without pressing anyhing for a free lookaround,
same time i want zoom in and out really fast with the scroll wheel.
there is no better and faster way for me to gather a situational awareness.
It feels free, unblocked, most intuitive, and i can do this left or right hand.
view has top priority. not negotiable for my taste
now, where you want to start thinking of shifts, alts etc. is when you want to turn knobs on or off, rotate wheels (trim, alt/hdg/speed settings).
you want to freeze the view of course for that purpose.
all you guys need to figure out: which key should be assigned for the freeview vs. operate panel toggle.
all for sure it should not happen on the mouse, neither by your right hand side, if that is your dominant hand.
tricky challenge, i already see good ideas coming from all sides. just not yet the bright one.
i have to experiment myself a bit coming weekend before adding to your ideas.
i like how the crowd pushes this creative process.
No matter what solution you come up with for zooming and looking around: PLEASE make it OPTIONAL!!! I absolutely HATE it when you accidentally zoom while you want to turn a knob and the other way around. Yikes. So happy to not have this problem in AFS2.
I changed the zoom in order to write the VOR tutorial but I notice there is no way to reset the view. How can I get back to the exact default zoom...?
double mouse click resets view to center.
should apply both for directions and zoom.
double mouse click resets view to center.
should apply both for directions and zoom.
I know about the doubleclick but it only resets the view to center, not the zoom.
you are right, they forgot that one obiously.
you are right, they forgot that one obiously.
Hm, I doubt it, I think they did this on purpose. You wouldn't want to reset your zoom everytime you want to reset your view, I think.
not sure. i think a double click is a hell of an action and is used rarely. But if you use it, you mean it!
and that would 100% include the reset of every non-default view aspect.
my oppinion.
... delay on the centre button. ...
just found out that many mice don't even have a middle button. ......
What all do have is a left and right click button.