So I wanna build an airport, seemed like a good idea at the time, groan. One mans dream and quickly a nightmare.
I have managed to work out how to import buildings and some of the airfield data (plugins didn't seem to work so i added them manually using notepad++). Took me ages to get the scale right in the modelling program. I converted the satellite data using geoconvert and geoconvert helper (thanks to all), set up my scene using max and the real life runway size. Positioned a background using the runway as reference, positioned some small cubes at the corners of a large building, exported and looked in the sim, quite a long way out. spent some time repositing the cubes till they lined up on the satelite images in the sim, then rescaled the modelling background image to match the cubes and the airfield reference point cube.
Airfield reference cube, use this to locate the airport in the sim and make sure its at the 0,0 in the modelling program. This should also be the same as real life location, these detals were added to the TMC file manually
Cannot get ground/runway or decals into the sim, no matter what I do.
Decals, are they exported as scene or a model, not clear in tutorial, but didn't work either way. Probably a material thing or vertex weight.
Ground/runway, is it a child of anything like objects are or just by itself
Material naming is a real headache and a bit of joke.
Tutorials are ok to a point, they give differing information specially in the material department
Well thats it for now and if there are any other airport builders out there give me a shout. Its difficult on my own.
PS, anyone know how to slew in fs2, would save me having to fly a cessna around all the time