• Hi,

    I'm probably one of the last people to have backed the kickstarter for Pimax 8k headsets. My reluctance was from watching my mate wait and wait for stem hand controllers which we now know that he will never receive. However, Pimax now has over 3 million dollars in backing, so a product will probably eventuate. They have recently promised eye tracking and I was wondering how that will work. Foveated eye tracking and then graded resolution rendering would be a brilliant way to get the full 8K ( or whatever it really is) working on machines without dual 1080's.

    How would it possibly work? Would it be in the SDK from Pimax or would IPACS need to produce their own software?

    I am really excited about the current state of flight sims and vr and it's only going to get better.


  • Once we can get hold of a Pimax we will try to add support for it.

    As far as eye tracking goes, we have preliminary support already for FOVE VR, another system with eye tracking, but besides some scientific applications, we haven't decided yet on how to use this feature.

  • Once we can get hold of a Pimax we will try to add support for it.

    As far as eye tracking goes, we have preliminary support already for FOVE VR, another system with eye tracking, but besides some scientific applications, we haven't decided yet on how to use this feature.

    Great news. I was hoping you guys would have backed it. As for FOVE I presume you just support it as a normal HMD, and haven't built anything to handle the eye tracking data? I held off backing the 8K as I've seen so many kickstarters disappoint (what happened to Gloveone?) but I'm tracking progress on their V2, V3... prototypes almost daily and have been encouraged by their recent increase in communication and honest assessment of the challenges.