And boy am I happy Long time simmer (20+years) Worked on A320 CAE simulators out in the middle East. Left flight simming for a few years, recently bought P3D and the FSLABS A320, unfortunately despite running on a 1080TI and I7 7700K the frames where poor. Stumbled across the Aerofly website, downloaded the A320 expecting an incredibly basic package, whilst it is no study sim, was blown away by the fact C* Law, and many other features are implemented: Even the little known G/S mini is in there.
Pleasantly surprised, can say without a doubt that this in VR is the closest any sim has captured the feel of the Aircraft. Amazing work, can't wait for future updates.
A few questions for the devs, once again I appreciate this is not a study sim.
1. Is there any plans to work on braking distances? (and brake temps) I have noticed the aircraft stops very quickly at it's current gross weight. Brake temps don't seem to be enabled either.
2. I read that the sound engine will be improved in the future, any way to swap out some files with my own custom files, ground roll, engine spool etc? I do miss that CFM growl at TOGA thrust.
Great work guys