Let's do Bavaria - and a bit more

  • If someone want to test before I upload it:


    Aerofly FS 2 Addon Scenery flightXtreme

    Included are 57 (very) basic airport data and cultivation of the whole area.

    This is the first part of scenery I try to build for the Aerofly FS 2.

    I decided to make Level 7 Parts to make a manageable aera as well as a suitable size

    for your foto scenery. Sadly I cannot provide you with the foto scenery. You need to

    build it on your own, tools an help can be found on the IPACS Aerofly homepage.

    If you have already an airport scenery in this area, simply rename

    the ...tsc file to ...off so the file from this package will not be used by the sim.

    Install: Copy the scenery folder into your addon folder of your aerofly fs 2.

    If you have improved airport files or other landscape objects you want to provide,

    so I can include it into a future package, it is welcome.

    Use it on your own risk, I take no warranty.

    (c) 2018 flightXtreme



    If you want the photo scenery, use this data to build it for example with the tool FSET:
    Name: 8800_A600 Level: 7 Ref Point:

    Latitude: 46.7444003950914

    Longitude: 11.25 BoundingBox: (minX;maxX;minY;maxY)

    11.25;14.0625;46.7444003950914;48.6138704750471 Height: 207.719 km

    Top width: 206.603 km

    Bottom width: 214.142 km
















    EDPI_Moosburg auf der Kippe













    EDPC_Bad Endorf













    LOKL_Lienz Nikolsdorf

    LOWZ_Zell am See
















    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • Well, I thought I would give it a quick test. I spent way too much time trying to figure our the FSET coordinates and bounding box. I failed to realize that FSET must have an English version and a European version because after converting the bounding box to the deg min sec they made no sense to my FSET box. I finally realized the mix up and got it straight. I'm guessing the scenery that I am building now is close enough. I am using dl4 (4m/pix) for a quick look.

    For those on this side of the pond that wish to give this a try, this might help.



    Aero chart

    Looks good. My scenery is still being processed but I have the area completed at dl 4 - 4m/pic at 9, 11, and 12. Level 13 is still being processed.

    Here are some screenshots.



    Looking West from Salzburg area at FL250

    Appr to Salzburg - lots of cultivation

  • Great. I have already more but the next Level 7 area ist not jet completed.

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • only without photo textures because of copyright.

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • Hello,

    I am relatively new to Aerofly, so far I use X Plane as a simulator. So please forgive my perhaps stupid question :)

    To use your cultivation, I still have to follow the steps described in the Aerofly Wiki under Scenery Creation Part 1: Aerial Images? On this Link


    And is it possible to generate them in a resolution 0? I am a pure VR VFR airplane and am therefore more likely on the ground. or is there any other good instructions or video in German :)

    Thanks again how much time and work you put into the project that is really great :)



  • Hallo Sebastian, ja, so musst du die Fotoszenerie bauen. Du kannst sie auch mit Level 0 im FSET herunter laden, allerdings hast du dann sehr große Datenmengen. Ich mache das bei mir auf dem ganzen Gebiet so, dass ich mit Level 9 (10 ist nicht unbedingt notwendig) 11 und 12 kompilieren kann. Die beiden Level 13 und 14 erzeuge ich immer direkt um die Flugplätze. Wenn es die Quellen hergeben würden auch 15. Auf Masken musst du so nicht achten, ich halte mich bei der ganzen Sachen an die Kacheln von AFFS2. Wenn das alle machen, dann passt auch immer alles zusammen.

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • Vielen Dank für deine Antwort ;)

    Ja das glaube ich die Datenmenge ist natürlich dann immens, wobei es ja vergleichbar ist, mit einer Auflösung von zl 18 bei X Plane.

    Das mit den Leveln bezieht du auf die Herstellung von den TFW Dateien mit inf2tfw? Sprich du lässt diese nicht automatisch herstellen?

    Ganz blöd gefragt, was wird mit den Leveln bezweckt bzw welche Auswirkungen haben die unterschiedlichen Level?

    Danke dir :)

  • Ah nein... zwei Sachen. Das eine ist die Auflösung für FSET. Da gilt ja 0 -> 0.5 m/Px, 1 -> 1 m/Pix und so weiter.

    Das kennst du ja.

    Dann benutze ich den GeoConvertHelper, der die AFFS2 Level 9, 10, 11.... 15 unterstützt. Das ist die Auflösung der Kachelungen in AFFS2.

    Hier hat 14 etwa eine Auflösung von 1 m pro pixel.

    Das kann man sich in etwa so vorstellen: Die Welt wird mit einer Bitmap in Level 0 dargestellt (nagele mich nicht darauf fest). Dann wird es geviertelt: Level 1. Jeder dieser Bereiche wieder geviertelt: Level 2... und so weiter.

    Wenn du diese Bereiche immer komplett abdeckst, dann kommt der AFFS 2 am besten damit zurecht und du brauchst auch keine Masken.

    Um diese Kacheln zu berechnen verwende ich das worldgridcoords Excel (beide Tools gibt es hier im Download oder unter https://flight-sim.org/.

    Für meine Szenerie-Packete habe ich mich für Level 7 Kacheln entschieden. Die Cultivations haben eine Größe von Level 10. Das kannst du dann auch anhand der Dateinamen sehen.

    Hoffe, das klärt es etwas auf.



    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • Hallo Micha,

    Danke für deine Geduld :D

    Ich glaube ich warte bis es ein Programm gibt dir Dummies :D ich schaffe es nicht einmal in fset ein Vorschaubild zu sehen. Es kommt immer ein Fehler. Bzw. Im unteren Bereich lädt es etwas aber immer mit Fehlermeldungen.

    Gibt es denn dafür ein alternativ programm?

  • SchwabeVR,

    There are no other alternatives for generating scenery today. Very soon we may have AeroScenery working with an easy GUI with all the work being done in the background. You can follow Nick’s progress here on these forums.



  • Second part is uploaded:

    Level 7 Area 8800_A600 North-East Bavaria-Germany


    Unbelievable how many airports, airfields and "wannabe" airfields you can find.

    Next step: Review the first package and find a solution for friends of ORBX Innsbruck,

    But after the German Nationals in Power Aerobatics. I need to pack my bags.

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

    Edited once, last by flightxtreme (July 29, 2018 at 9:52 AM).

  • I downloaded the first part: "Level 7 Area 8800_A600 South-East Bavaria-Germany 1.0.0."

    I have placed the files in the Aerofly FS2 "addons" folder. And when I fly, I can now see trees (forests) and great night lighting - but no buildings.

    Is there anyone who knows the reason why only the buildings do not appear?

  • there is a buildingtexture folder in the zip at ghe right place as well.

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • @ flightxtreme, Hello Micha,

    Many thanks for your great work. Here you have done a fantastic job.

    I have also downloaded and installed your "first package_ L7_8800_A600_V1.0.zip". I'm excited.

    Especially because it also contains parts of Austria with a lot of cultivation and airfields.

    I started with the "AeroScenery" from "nickhod" (thank you nickhod) from Salzburg direction Innsbruck along the German / Austrian border to GeoConvert. In zoom level 17; ASF2 levels 9 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14. It looks very good.
    My goal: to create Austria in this Resolution.

    Next step: Review the first package and find a solution for friends of ORBX Innsbruck,

    But after the German Nationals in Power Aerobatics. I need to pack my bags.

    Yes, I also have LOWI-Innsbruck from ORBX and, of course, problems with cultivation. So I will wait until you have found a solution "for friends of ORBX Innsbruck".

    Thank you
    Regards, Jacob

  • Just some more data:

    This are my source files for my Extra repaint, use it to build your own. Or change the Sequence-Card. :)

    Package 1 Update. In the description is what you have to disable to avoid flickers.

    Beside of that two missing airfields added: EDU021_Taufkirchen, LI001_Brunneck

    Working on Bavaria South-West, this will reach into the Swiss-DLC. I could be faster but the rendering of the photo scenery took most of the time.

    Again, photo scenery cannot be included.

    In general, I am working on level 7 tiles to make it as easy as possible to exchange parts and nobody needs masks.

    There is one automation I have done I can share with you.

    - First I had converted AFCAD files (Airport-Data) to TSC files. This is not really useful, since the P3D Data is misplaced.

    - Then I create the basic TSC files using Google-Maps and entering the data manual. Takes some time. ;)

    - Now I use data from https://openflightmaps.org/live/ especially the AIXM 4.5 XML Data. I convert them to KMZ data for display so I can check in which level 7 part the airfields are located, also I already automatically create the TSC files with the AIXM 4.5 data. Works great.

    For your favor. ;)

    And a video. (I know, there is still some flickering cultivation on ground and the scenery could be a higher resolution, but this is just a landmark.) ;)

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    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • For the future: Klinikum Harlaching:

    Preview Bavaria South-West:





    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower