Aerofly has been working fine until now. I used the Aircraft Converter to generate a repaint that I was working on. I noticed on the preview that the prop came up as transparent, which I thought to be a bit odd (See attached preview).
To see how the aircraft looked in the actual Sim, I tried to start the program. The program hung for about 15 minutes on the 'Loading Scenery' screen graphic. I noticed that the entire time that the program was hung up, the desktop icons kept changing from a green checkmark, to a grey X, to a shortcut icon, then cycled back again over and over again, with a rotating time frequency of about once every second and a half (See attached images). Looking at the Log file it seems like an awful lot of joystick entries. Any idea what could be going on here?
Note transparent prop - Related to the other issue???
Icons with Checkmarks
Icons with icons
Icons with X's.
The desktop rolls through the three icon formats, changing every icon about every second and a half.