Hi all,
thinking still about all the free USGS data I have this vision:
1. Some people download state by state of the 1m aerial images and convert them up to level 14 step by step.
We still need a programmer to create the coordinate files for geoconvert.
USGS data can be published free, just give credits to them.
And now we have the server installation flight-sim.org where all the users can download the data.
2. Another group concentrates to increase the elevation mesh to a higher level. In combination with the aerial images this is a boost to the visual perception.
3. Now we have this overwhelming tool FSCloudPort of Spit40, and some users may add the relevant airports for the current state.
4. There are some specialists amongst us for cultivation. I suggest to do this in separate files for lights, vegetation and buildings.
This will allow us the replace or modify them separately.
5. This is our user server to publish all the stuff together: https://flight-sim.org/
Similar jobs could be done for another parts of the world, but in the USA all the data are available without legal problems.
So all users can benefit from this work.
What do you think about this, are you ready to join such a group? What is the ranking of the states?
I'm curious about your opinion.