Fatigue is not an issue in the way I utilize the controller (right hand), because when I'm flying I rest that hand on my lap (like real life)
I think the fatique mainly comes into play when you want to use both VR hands for the yoke: in that case you have to keep them in the air all the time. In your case this isn't a problem indeed.
Works great for accessing the menu, switching views, pause, etc. as well as operating various systems in the cockpit (autopilot, gear, flaps, lights, etc).
I sort of understand the idea of using Voice Attack and the ease of it but I find it a but odd at the same time: the idea behind VR and VR hands is to make things more realistic. It should bring things closer to a real life flying experience. But in real life you don't use your voice to operate the AP, gear, flaps, etc... Of course you could consider the use of voice as a simulation of commands to a co-pilot...