Lets show our home Cockpits
Great work ! Would you mind sharing some pics of the interior ?
This is something I built six or seven years ago now. I was still using FS2004 then, and changed to FSX shortly thereafter. The cockpit was a replica of the Chipmunk, the first aircraft I ever flew in, back in my teens in the Air Cadets in England. The project was a lot of fun, but was dismantled a few years later when I moved house, so I am glad I did this YouTube video to document it.
The building of a Chipmunk Home Cockpit
I just hope that IPACS implements support for the numerous addons needed to pull this kind of thing off for AFS2 in the future.... Or even AFS3, or AFS4 further down the line!
- Kenneth
Thanks for adding the pics of the interior to your post - fantastic cockpit !
Well You didn't specify a genre...
Take a look on youtube for Avro Vulcan simulator at Flightdeck and that's one that I built, amongst many many others
Wow.. That Vulcan... "Impressive" is not sufficiently superlative!
In the age of VR helmets that let you fly in the cockpit of any plane, will static home cockpits even be a "thing" very much longer?
Only if you want to have 100% the same switch / instruments ..and you fly it in real,
so your hands can make the same learning ways, and you have a training effect ,because every hardware is there, like in real in the air later.
And the second thing is the fun on making things like this.
But i was 1 year ago with the same question here, and i decide to make a simseat for every plane/heli/car and so on, with VR.
My flight seat. ^
For me (with VR) positioning of the stick, throttle, pedals and to some extent the headrest were the primary concerns. I reach out and the stick/throttles are where they should be, head against the headrest, let the magic of VR take care of the rest.
Unless you are going to be solely focused on a single aircraft type, in VR you don't need a full surround cockpit. You need a setup which allows your butt, stick, throttle and pedals to be in the exact same spot every time you sit down.
I have another sim rig for driving.
Both my VR rigs have tactile sound transducers (ie buttkicker) which adds a whole other dimension to an already incredible experience
only thing that sucks is until aerofly has a way for us to export gauges it kills any home built cockpits
I think VR killed the need for exporting gauges...
Hi guys/gals, with Air-Manager type of software, you can basically build any aircraft(fixed wing) or rotary wing(helicopter). We don't need to be using "IPACS" gauges/flight instruments for your panels like in the old days when we were dependent on the sim's gauges on seperate graphics card. Air-Manager runs on a second Networkable(LAN/WiFi) computer and you conect that to your server in this case the sim is AFS-2.
I highly recomend using a Networkable computer to display instruments , because this frees up resourses to use on the sim instead.
But the problem right now is limited support for us 0,5% users...
IPACS , please please reconsider, this decision? Just continue with making the sim for now, but please revistit it later ?
I have bought everything you and your parners(ORBX) have made till now,(except Aerosoft Helgoland, but Lukla I will probably buy)
We are a minority perhaps, but this might make other hardcore simmers take interest in this sim, and this sim needs every simmer it can find in the community.
I will continue to enjoy the sim, but my dreams of the possible next gen sim for a cockpit project is now shattered!
I don't want this thread locked, so I will not nag anymore, but please do reconsider to make avaliable the inputs/outputs for comands of this sim, later on..
I think VR killed the need for exporting gauges...
I would differ on that...alot of pit builders are still in the sim market...i think more than vr...i play both and cant help but to go back to the pit being what vr just doesnt have at this stage...mostly the clarity...
Looking on the xplane forums shows me there more pit guys that vr...and alot that are reverting back to thier sim pits because the novalty has worn off
Now dont get me wrong, when vr gets to that stage of clarity where everything in the distance is as clear as a monitor screen than yes pits will be a thing of the past
well, one year with VR now. I will not go back. But I startet to collect my parts for my vr cockpit. I got my hands on something original.
It is still a long way to go, but I get professional help for the seat.
After the seat got his cushioning and the five point hooker got installed there will be the stick in place an the throttle fixed. In this first phase there is nothing more for my vr cockpit.
Second phase is to construct the instrument panel with the hardware i already have. Hardware... And, so is the plan, in software. That will mean, I build the addon aircraft in line to my hardware. The goal is, to have the same instruments at the same place in the sim and my cockpit. I don't know how far I will get with this approach, but this is my vision.
(The seat is not the one I get, but similar.)
Hey guys
Seeing this thread I can't help it but share my latest "midlife crisis solution"
Just bought this on eBay, going across the country to collect it this weekend. I really hope AFS will eventually be accompanied with something similar to FSUIPC so I can "hook it up" to the sim.
Well this project is gonna take me the next decade anyway so my hopes are high