Right now Aerofly FS 2 is my main sim and I am loving it but the more I use it, the more problems I have with arrivals. I like to fly in and out of airports I don't know but way too often I find out during approach that I am heading into a mountain and the approach (and automated FAF) is wrong or at least not convenient. Now I know (or at least hope) that this will be solved whenever ATC will be released but I was wondering if anyone here has a tip on how to sort of simulate a SID but specially a STAR in AFS2 in the meantime.
There are a few problems here:
- first of all you have to figure out which (SID and) STAR you need
- whenever you have found the STAR you have the problem that the automated FAF it totally off which may make 'copying' the STAR into the planner a problem
- next problem might be how to manage constraints
Is there anyone here who is actualling using STARs in a certain way? How do you figure out the STAR? Do you download the charts and fly the STAR by hand? Do you program it into the plan as good as possible? Do you have any other tips on how to fly approaches more realistically and without flying into mountains?
I used to have various addons to generate flightplans including SID and STAR but I don't have those installed at this moment and besides, afaik they all need P3D to be installed too. I would like to be able to fly with SIDs and STARs without having to install P3D and those addons. So any tips to make this sim even more of a sim are welcome!