Dear developer, question about gates at airports. Every few years I notice a major improvement in simulation and now it is gate numbers, including markings on taxiways and aprons. Zurich LSZH is a work of art and true to life. It has become my base to fly from now. I recreate live flights on in realtime, and the gate numbers at LSZH are really great.
Are there any other airports with gate numbers, and plans to make more? I will be upgrading to Aerofly FS2 soon, so am interested to know. Seems that KJFK has gate numbers but no markings on the ground?
I appreciate you have a list of to do items and this may not be a priority.
On another topic, with regard to adding ATC, personally I would just implement CPDLC comms and automated verbal ATIS, and maybe expand the text data-link to include ground/tower etc... I think that vatsim and others are probably a better way to go for verbal ATC. I think that human voice ATC will become redundant once full automation takes over in the future. I have discussed pilot-less civilian flight with many people, and the reason I believe it will happen eventually, is because the most dangerous part of aviation right now are the pilots and controllers, as much as they try not to be. Our ATC is a 1950's obsolete system and a disaster waiting to happen, and honest pilots will admit that human error is a significant problem. Recreational flying is another matter altogether, no problem there. My comments refer only to civilian airliners with PAX and cargo. My opinion is that accidents will always happen, but once the computers take over there will be fewer accidents. I have spoken to people in the industry who are convinced that such a thing will not happen in our life time and don't believe in "safe" 100% automated flight. I dont agree with them.