Helicopter Controller Mod

  • My $60 cyclic and collective for the R22 (and the DCS Huey) built from a Hotas4, PVC, a bungee cord, and about 2 hours time last weekend. Just thought I would share, in case anyone might want to try it too.

    More photos please. Nice work



  • A tip I recommend. Discovered this by accident with an old controller. Go into controller settings/setup microsoft wizard and when it asks you to centre the controller, put it slightly off-center. When you take a heli up, it will be much harder to control and will wander around. I have done this with FSX and the R22 and am pleased with the results.

    I had an older control which was not balanced properly and I was really impressed with the FSX heli flight modelling until I centred it with the wizard, and had to unbalance it again. Between that and wind effects in FSX its a challenge to fly.

    Favourite album: In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

    My ride: every model 737 & A320 series, Aerofly FS Global, Ipad Pro 2022/11 1TB ipadOS18

    XBox Series X/S wireless controller (model 1914)