I hate having to do this, but I've just had to add this review to the Mac App Store for Aerofly 2 for the Mac.
I was very reluctant to do so, but I feel I need to warn other Mac users who are showing an interest.
I hope this doesn't get deleted - it's a genuine concern and one which the devs here seem unable to address. I appreciate writing software can be difficult (I do it for a living), but I feel like I purchased a beta on a promise that has never materialised. I sincerely hope I can amend my review to be more positive in the near future.
QuoteDisplay MoreThis is a difficult review to write. The sim itself shows superb potential, but this initial release hasn’t received a single update. It’s got numerous bugs. It can’t use any of the wonderful downloadable content that’s available for the PC version.
The developers have assured me it’s the same code base as the PC version, but that’s a mere technicality that doesn’t help the end user.
On the one hand, this is nice, if buggy sim, but be aware that if you purchase now, there’s no guarantee you’ll ever get an update or be able to expand it.
Things aren’t helped by the devs insistence on having a single forum for both the PC version and Mac version. There are numerous posts about various fantastic looking add-ons that no Mac users are able to use.
In all honesty, I’d request a refund if I could, but that doesn’t now seem possible. If you have a Mac and want the sim, I’d use Bootcamp and get the Windows version if your system can handle it.
To summarise - a very flawed gem.