Hi all,
I have started this thread so I can pass on links to the data and other useful tools that I found over time that might come in use for those wanting to create scenery/cultivation.
This list will be added to & updated on a regular basis.
NOTE: Please add any links to data & such. I am sure this area will grow as more come on board with AFS2
AeroScenery - A must have tool for Ortho Scenery made by Nick Hod.
FSCloudPort - Was created as a free community service to simplify the process of building airports for the AeroFlyFS2 Flight Simulator.
JOSM - is great OSM editor.
QGIS - is a Free and Open Source Geographic Information System.
SketchUp Make 2017 - SketchUp gives you the tools to create all kinds of 3D designs.
Blender - Open Source 3D creation. Free to use for any purpose, forever.
Blender OSM Premium - Allows you to import buildings from OpenStreetMap.
Gimp - is a cross-platform image editor.
Overpass Turbo - With overpass turbo you can run Overpass API queries and analyse the resulting OSM data interactively on a map.
ModelConverterX - is primarily a tool that allows you to convert objects between different formats.
scenProc - Scenery Processor, or scenProc for short, is a tool to process geographical data into scenery for Flight Simulator.
SQLiteStudio - Free (GPL licence), advanced SQLite database manager with intuitive user interface, with no installation needed (single executable file to run).
Flight-Sim.org - Here you will find user-add-ons for Aerofly FS2.
Hawaii - Honolulu - Address points in Spreadsheet, KML or Shapefile ( full data - Honolulu GIS Open Geospatial Data)
Canberra - Australia - ACT land block (parcel).
Melbourne - Australia - Open Data Platform.
Gold Coast - Australia - Open Data Platform.
World Address data - The free and open global address collection.
State of New York - Open Data
Microsoft US Building Footprints - contains computer generated building footprints for the United States.
Tasmania - Open Data
Data.gov - Data sets for buildings (US)
Great Britain - All buildings
Berlin 3D - Data sets
Aerofly FS2 Cultivation - A must watch tutorial by Rodeo (all tutorials)
QGIS - Adding an X and Y Coordinate to point data
Video tutorial: How to import 3D Models using Sketchup and MCX
Tutorial: How to create 3D Model Night Textures