Creating Stadium Lights using OSM data

  • Found the OSM tag info for stadiums and worked up 5 lines to add to my ScenProc script that generate stadium light poles with lights ...

    When you import your OSM file, if your first line (ImportOGR) is filtering object types, be sure to add "leisure" ...

    Example from lights script ... \mapKDAL.osm|*|highway;man_made;leisure|NOREPROJ

    # these lines generate stadium light poles


    PointToPolygon|leisure="stadium" |1;1|0|String;towertype|lightpole



    # these lines generate stadium lights


    CreateAF2Light|leisure="stadium" |1.0;1.0;1.0|1500|0;0;1|50

    Here is my latest lights template ...

    VR streetlights+trafficwaterradiostadium_v3.txt