Still trying to get this thing under control. Is it normal that I have to apply the cyclic and rudder ALL the time? It's getting extremely tiresome after while... I am constantly moving my feet around in order to fly slightly straight. I also often have no clue if I am flying straight or not: I tend to change my (real world) position all the time in order to make of for the odd movements I make on screen. All in all it's pretty uncomfortable. And frustrating. Seems I am not a chopper guy.
It feels as if all the rudder control I have is within a few centimers or so: I have to make extremely small movements and really hit the 1 cm wide hot spot to NOT turn and obviously this spot moves around with the collective setting, making it impossible to do right for longer than a few seconds. And I am also still flying sideways to the right (or even back) as soon as I lift off. Every single time. Always. A hover on the spot seems completely impossible.
I really wonder why everyone else is having such a great time.