A tip for heli simmers

  • A trick I discovered by accident is to "unbalance" your PC controller slightly. In the controller settings - set up (I forget the correct term used) when it asks you to centre the controls, have them slightly off-centre. It makes the heli want to wander all the time and extra hard to control. Not knowing where the off-set is helps as well (happened to me with a new controller which I did not properly set up and I did not know the offset). Was impressed with the effect. Add some crosswind and you will struggle. I do not have Aerofly 2 yet. To get soon. Was waiting for the R22 release. If they/or someone adds blade slap it will be great.

    Favourite album: In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

    My ride: every model 737 & A320 series, Aerofly FS Global, Ipad Pro 2022/11 1TB ipadOS18

    XBox Series X/S wireless controller (model 1914)

  • I haven't got Aerofly fs2 yet, but in FSX (my R22 sim to date) the heli flight models are too stable for me. Each to his own I guess. If you find the flight model hard enough for you then good for you. Maybe I will like the model AFS2 have done as is? It was just a tip for those who want to make it harder.

    Favourite album: In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

    My ride: every model 737 & A320 series, Aerofly FS Global, Ipad Pro 2022/11 1TB ipadOS18

    XBox Series X/S wireless controller (model 1914)