How can I get custom 3D models into Aerofly FS 2?

  • Hi,

    I´m in the process of creating my first own scenery for my home region (Rhine Valley between Freiburg and Speyer). I managed to create the photoreal ground with Aeroscenery and created Cultivation for Freiburg and the surrounding area with the help of Rodeo´s tutorial. I´ll also update EDTF with FSCloudport. So far, so good, everything works fine. Now I wanted to create some custom 3D models for EDTF and the city of Freiburg (mainly some POIs like the Münster, the Martinstor and some others) and also put some VFR reference objects like wind turbines, towers and the like into the scenery. The only modeling tool I am able to use is Sketchup, all others are way over my head and I don´t have enough time to learn them. I created some POIs for Scotland in Prepar3d V2 with Sketchup a few years ago, converted them into the Prepar3d format with MCX and managed to put them into Prepar3d. But I don´t know how to convert and place custom models into Aerofly FS 2? What is the best way to do this?

    Thanks and Best Regards,


  • Hi Fabian,

    this is your suggested workflow:

    1. Export your sketchup model to .DAE

    2. Open modelconverterX to import the model.

    3. Export the object to aerofly FS2 TGI object.

    4. Add an entry with the positional coordinates to your TSC file.

    Some more informations:

    In modelconverterX go to options, set the aerofly converter path in the exporter settings.

    Please check, whether you have to set the AC3D axes to NUE, I'm not sure about it, since I convert always into AC3D.

    Go through the material editor to minimize drawcalls, set textures to a power of 2 and save them as bmp.

    If your sketchup file does not contain colors, use the Special Tools - burn material colors into texture.

    There is even an function Export Scenery to aerofly FS scenery (TSC) in modelconverterX.

    So please try to find all related information about this tools and you'll succeed with your objects.


  • Thank you very much, after a little trial and error the workflow you suggested is working for me now. I'm sure I'll still have lots of questions as I go ahead, but at the moment I'm experimenting with different models for a while.

    Cheers, Fabian