I know a handful of people other than IPACS staff have successfully created aircraft for AF2 (Sylvain, Steve, Kai, Dino and Krystoff come readily to mind). The most challenging area seems to be the creation of the necessary config files and most of us will readily admit that any headway that is made is in no small measure facilitated by help from IPACS' Jet-pack (Jan). He is heavily involved with a master's thesis at the moment and will no doubt not have as much time to help us out. What I was wondering is is there a willingness to share what has been learned and help each other whether for payware or freeware projects in a sort of self help group😀 I'm very much in the early stages of learning the ropes myself and will no doubt have questions... but also have stuff that I can share. For example I have created a spreadsheet to work out normalised vector data and pivot points from the coordinates of two points ( after Jan explained the math involved)... found that made things a lot easier trying to get control surface animations to work. Anyway let us know if you're in. We can make this thread a place to share learning.