Just an update for all you heli fans out there.
She fly's, not well yet but she fly's. Bit of a handful at times. Rotor RPM drops off so I need to find a way to keep this more constant.
Able to perform a start in the correct manner. Lynx is a bit weird in that respect as we start in something called Accessory Drive (Acc Drive) and then eventually switch to Main Drive. Electrics and hydraulic packs are driven by the main gearbox accessory drive train (rotors not turning), left engine does this through Acc drive switch until main rotors are up to speed, at which point and following some rules we engage main drive and these packs are then driven by the main gearbox from either engine.
If I abuse the engines during start, ie accelerate too fast the sim reloads the heli, the real Lynx had a similar problem where the engines would surge so this is fairly accurate. Also simulated the Speed Select Lever (rotors go from 100% to 107% NR) and torque matching the engines
Electrics and fuel systems modelled with magnetic indicators to indicate flow pattern, just like the real thing.
All in all it's progressing, bit too slow at times but there isn't a lot to compare it too, of course Jetpack has been invaluable.
AFCS (Automated Flying Control System) next on the list, no idea how to do that one yet but all part of the fun.