A must read for any AFS2 enthusiast : Aerofly AFS2

Flightsim.com AFS2 article by Kenneth
Kenneth, a well done review with already 900 views in that short time!
Nice writing Kenneth
Wow, that's great publicity. I am big fan of professionally-written reviews, and this is one. Plus, the well-done screenshots add much to the impression.
Does anyone know a possibility do view/print/save (as pdf) the whole article instead of pts 1-7?
Kind regards, Michael
Nice read, although I did miss a bit of information about the things that AFS2 actually DOES offer when it comes to simulating aircraft systems. AFS2 isn't as lite (anymore) as a lot of people (still) think and it offers things that other (civilian) sims do not offer in default aircraft. This review makes it look a bit as if AFS2 mainly is a good running scenery sim with very basic aircraft, and that isn't the case (anymore). I know the review is mainly about AFS2's capabilities to run on an old rig but still...
BTW Concerning the Just Flight planes: I wonder if this: "While they do not have the systems depth of their legacy-sim versions" is actually true...? Perhaps the fuel system of AFS2 is lacking in comparison but I wonder what other systems are NOT simulated in AFS2 that are simulated in the other sims? The JF planes look pretty complete to me.
Enjoyed your article, Kenneth! However, I was a bit disappointed that the Apollo50 project wasn't mentioned in the community freeware paragraph - I believe it's the most-downloaded scenery on flight-sim.org. Maybe you haven't tried it yet???
A must read for any AFS2 enthusiast : Aerofly AFS2
Thank you for pointing it out in the forum. I did not want to toot my own horn to promote it! - Kenneth
Kenneth, a well done review with already 900 views in that short time!
Thank you. Flightsim.com does get the views. My previous article on the Chipmunk was released a month ago, and has had around 4800 views as well. - Kenneth
Nice writing Kenneth
Thanks Phil.
Wow, that's great publicity. I am big fan of professionally-written reviews, and this is one. Plus, the well-done screenshots add much to the impression.
Does anyone know a possibility do view/print/save (as pdf) the whole article instead of pts 1-7?
Kind regards, Michael
Thank you Michael.
I sincerely hope it brings some more people into the user base. We really need that, as it will potentially re-stimulate the interest of the likes of ORBX. Even JustFlight has gone silent right now on further AFS2 projects. Another couple of thousand users would really help.
I will see about placing the article on my own site as well (http://www.kjksimmer.com), without the page breaks. Maybe that will help. But I do want to draw the audience to Flightsim.com first, as the "older system" series is being written primarily for them.
- Kenneth
Nice read, although I did miss a bit of information about the things that AFS2 actually DOES offer when it comes to simulating aircraft systems. AFS2 isn't as lite (anymore) as a lot of people (still) think and it offers things that other (civilian) sims do not offer in default aircraft. This review makes it look a bit as if AFS2 mainly is a good running scenery sim with very basic aircraft, and that isn't the case (anymore). I know the review is mainly about AFS2's capabilities to run on an old rig but still...
BTW Concerning the Just Flight planes: I wonder if this: "While they do not have the systems depth of their legacy-sim versions" is actually true...? Perhaps the fuel system of AFS2 is lacking in comparison but I wonder what other systems are NOT simulated in AFS2 that are simulated in the other sims? The JF planes look pretty complete to me.
Thank you for the compliments.
You are correct, AFS2 probably has more system depth in some aircraft than I have written about. I think this reflects my own personal style of flying, and my own interests. I only fly General Aviation in AFS2, or even in FSX for that matter. I am not an airliner person.
Regarding the GA aircraft from Just Flight, from what I have seen, the legacy sim versions are a bit like mini A2A machines. They leverage capabilities that do not appear in AFS2 yet. These might include spark plug fowling, maintenance capabilities, fuel systems, assorted failures, etc. Until the core AFS2 is upgraded to include some of these elements, the JF fleet is a bit watered-down in comparison with the legacy sim versions. But, they do look and fly great. I will be doing an article specifically on the JF fleet in about a month and a half.
- Kenneth
Enjoyed your article, Kenneth! However, I was a bit disappointed that the Apollo50 project wasn't mentioned in the community freeware paragraph - I believe it's the most-downloaded scenery on flight-sim.org. Maybe you haven't tried it yet???
Thank you.
Yes, you caught me! I have not tried Apollo50. Here's why. I erroneously assumed that you needed the Florida addon from IPACS in order to use Apollo50. I noticed that IPACS states the system requirements for Florida are much greater than for the rest of AFS2. Having an old system, I decided not to buy Florida... hence never used Apollo50.
However, I am in close connection with some of the designers who created Apollo50. And they have pointed out the error of my ways! I will be checking it out this weekend.
- Kenneth
Regarding the GA aircraft from Just Flight, from what I have seen, the legacy sim versions are a bit like mini A2A machines. They leverage capabilities that do not appear in AFS2 yet. These might include spark plug fowling, maintenance capabilities, fuel systems, assorted failures, etc. Until the core AFS2 is upgraded to include some of these elements, the JF fleet is a bit watered-down in comparison with the legacy sim versions.
Ah, okay, thanks for the information, I didn't know that! Let's hope those features find there way to AFS2 someday!
Ah, okay, thanks for the information, I didn't know that! Let's hope those features find there way to AFS2 someday!
BTW Concerning the Just Flight planes: I wonder if this: "While they do not have the systems depth of their legacy-sim versions" is actually true...? Perhaps the fuel system of AFS2 is lacking in comparison but I wonder what other systems are NOT simulated in AFS2 that are simulated in the other sims? The JF planes look pretty complete to me.
The flight computer is totally missing in the AFS2 version, the other sims have a superior GPS or GNS with some having the capability of adding a 3rd party Flight1 GTN. The active electronic checklist is not available in AFS2, and the fuel management is minimal in AFS2 when compared to the other sims. The other being X-Plane for the most up to date models, although the P3D v4.5 would be up there with the higher end features.
The JF models have an edge on the IPACS default in that the JF models have a start on a checklist, w/ 2 items fuel and chocks or tie-downs. The small clipboard is animated, meaning it can be stored or clicked and it will cut a flip and land on the yoke for you to click full fuel or remove tie-down then another click and it will cut a flip and returned to the stowed location.
The AP in the JF twin is a superior unit when compared to the base AFS2 models and the fuel system is also a little better but, not much else comes to mind. Maybe a few more things are aminated in the JF, like the 2nd door, small pilot window, etc.
Just Flight already has 4 models for AFS2 and a 5th in the works so you have enough choice if you fly the smaller GA models. They also are starting to add one or two to the sale baskets for a minimal discount.
Nice review. Thanks for doing that.
- Official Post
Thank you KJKsimmer for this detailed review and also thank you everybody for supporting us. We know Aerofly FS is not sufficient yet for many users and that you would like to see faster development. We can assure you, we are actively working on more system depth and more features, but we can't always communicate our current status to the outside.
We would like to show you a nice video showing the potential of Aerofly FS even with 3rd party content. It demonstrates a nice stall of the new Just Flight airplane: Stall video
When people compare Aerofly FS to other simulators they always have different priorities. Some people need the last switch and system being simulated other focus more on pure flight dynamics and overall smoothness and performance. We would say each simulator out there has it's strength in its area. Aerofly FS in its current version focuses on performance, perfect flight dynamics and an easy and intuitive user interface.
But like mentioned before we are actively developing Aerofly FS.
When people compare Aerofly FS to other simulators they always have different priorities. Some people need the last switch and system being simulated other focus more on pure flight dynamics and overall smoothness and performance. We would say each simulator out there has it's strength in its area. Aerofly FS in its current version focuses on performance, perfect flight dynamics and an easy and intuitive user interface.
But like mentioned before we are actively developing Aerofly FS.Thanks.
In this context I would like to quote a review that also expresses my point of view:
QuoteThe absolute best VR experience. PERIOD. It’s nice to fly and enjoy the sim without the tedium that comes with study-level sims like x-plane and it’s payware aircraft. Although the A320 is a fairly robust simulation and extremely well done. I’ve played flight sims with high end pay ware aircraft for 30 years and I’m an actual pilot. But what appeals to me the most, besides the jaw dropping VR implementation, is the ability to get up in the air with minimal fuss. No 20 minutes of flipping switches before taxiing to the runway. There’s no dynamic air/ground traffic in the sim, but I could care less. As a pilot, you don’t see many airplanes zig zagging in the sky or cars on the ground from cruising altitude so I don’t miss it. Plus there’s no waiting in line to takeoff! Aerofly has a unique take on flightsims and I hope they don’t compromise and make it into a complicated borefest study sim. It also has butter smooth VR performance which I pray will not be bogged down by adding unnecessary features that take the sim outside it’s original scope. HIGHLY RECOMMEND for flight sim noobies and experienced simmers/pilots, you won’t find a more thoroughly enjoyable VR flightsim anywhere else in the market.
The JF models have an edge on the IPACS default in that the JF models have a start on a checklist, w/ 2 items fuel and chocks or tie-downs. The small clipboard is animated, meaning it can be stored or clicked and it will cut a flip and land on the yoke for you to click full fuel or remove tie-down then another click and it will cut a flip and returned to the stowed location.
Unfortunately the only JF plane I really like, the Arrow (which is the ONLY GA I fly in AFS2!), doesn't have these features...
I made a cold and dark version of it myself though and that makes it a bit more interesting already.
Just Flight already has 4 models for AFS2 and a 5th in the works
Ah...! Curious what plane that may be...! Hopefully something with retractable gear, AP, mixture, etc. because the Cessna and Tomahawk are a bit too basic for me. Although...
They also are starting to add one or two to the sale baskets for a minimal discount.
...I might buy that Tomahawk when it's on sale because I absolutely LOVE Pipers!!! The Piper cockpits are so much nicer than the Cessna ones (imho!).
Thank you admin for commenting on the article. One of the main reasons I pointed out the "deficiencies" was in a way a bit of a sales tactic. The majority of sim enthusiasts who frequent the big websites do not use AFS2. Those are the people for whom the sim is still "a joke." Well, in sales, if you agree with the objection of your prospect, you take away their power. So I figured, agree with the biggest objection up front, and then show them what a beautiful sim it is, and why it is easy to fall in love with Aerofly FS2.
My hope with the article is simple, that it might result in more sales for you, and that more people will embrace the platform. If we can get a bigger user base, then you will have more budget to play with, and potentially attract personnel to speed up your development process. Similarly, a larger user base might re-attract the commercial developers who have gone cold on the platform and placed their emphasis on warmer markets.
Thank you also for mentioning future development. It is so important to keep fans informed. Of course there are some things you want to keep close to your chest, that's a commercial reality. But, long silences from a developer foster a belief that nothing is happening, even when a developer might be as busy as a beaver. I therefore applaud the new developer's blog. Keep it going. And I also encourage you to get creative in business expansion. Leverage the possibilities of joint ventures with other companies, and even with the fans now developing for the platform, if that's what it takes to expand. Creative joint ventures can potentially access a workforce you do not have the budget to hire.
I will be writing more AFS2 articles of flightsim.com. My next article takes me back to the FSX world, but the one after that is AFS2-based again.
We would like to show you a nice video showing the potential of Aerofly FS even with 3rd party content. It demonstrates a nice stall of the new Just Flight airplane: Stall video
Technically, I would say this should be named "Spin/spin recovery video" rather than Stall Video.
- Official Post
@Jetjockey10: It's great to see we have careful observers here
A good illustration of why I refused to do spin training solo, but totally enjoyed doing it with the instructor in the right hand seat.
I taught spins to every primary student and expected full cooperation from them even though spins were no longer required for private pilot licenses. One of my favorite maneuvers.
I taught spins to every primary student and expected full cooperation from them even though spins were no longer required for private pilot licenses. One of my favorite maneuvers.
I miss teaching spin recovery, a very important aspect of flying. I believe all my students over the years are the better for it.