great pic. I love Blackpool tower.
Apparently the French nicked the design to put one up in Paris. Same as that statue from New York, they made a smaller copy and put it just along the river from the Blackpool tower replica.
great pic. I love Blackpool tower.
Apparently the French nicked the design to put one up in Paris. Same as that statue from New York, they made a smaller copy and put it just along the river from the Blackpool tower replica.
As part of our Oahu scenery project, Rodeo added a new static Lynx for our pleasure. Unfortunately the model came with wheels instead of skids. Of course, that was no hill for a climber so over the weekend, he not only exchanged wheel type gear for skids, but, figured out how to transfer all my repaints for the live model to the static. Neat. These are now on display at the Pacific Air Museum on Ford Island that will be included in the scenery.
“Apparently the French nicked the design to put one up in Paris. Same as that statue from New York, they made a smaller copy and put it just along the river from the Blackpool tower replica.”
Is this irony? The French were commissioned to build the Statue of Liberty.
Added a civilian version repaint to the mix. It is here…-vip-transport/
“Apparently the French nicked the design to put one up in Paris. Same as that statue from New York, they made a smaller copy and put it just along the river from the Blackpool tower replica.”Is this irony? The French were commissioned to build the Statue of Liberty.
Why yes it is. Actually Blackpool Tower was inspired by the top section of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, not the other way round. And yes, the original statue of Liberty was French, but I think the one you are thinking of in Paris, on an island in the Seine, I checked and it dates after the one in New York. So in some ways not as ironic as I first thought.
Anyway, bit more on topic, LarryLynx please don't get too irritated by requests for features on the Lynx. It's a sign of how good it is that people want to make it more accessible, and all of the limitations are in the sim, not with the Lynx itself. I've waited years for a proper Lynx to come along, and it's massively appreciated that we now have one. The problem is ours in that most of us are bumbling amateurs who just want to get in and fly, but you made it clear right from the start what the Lynx was, so nobody can complain.
Yes I agree. It’s fantastic. Larry Lynx is a legend in my books.
Added a civilian version repaint to the mix. It is here…-vip-transport/
larrylynx Can you comment on the Lynx susceptibility, or lack thereof, to enter Vortex Ring State (VRS) when descending vertically?
I've read about this many times, but never noticed it flying Lynx or R22. Recently I tried flying the UH-1 Huey in another simulator and the effect was so prevalent and severe it took practice to avoid. Made me wonder about the Lynx and FS2 simulation of helicopters. I did not notice mention of this topic in your manual.
Hi Greg
You are correct the Lynx does not seem to enter VRS. I didn't try the egg whisk.
I cannot comment on the directly as I believe the flight dynamics are more connected to the simulator than anything I can set with the TMD. I could be wrong on this but I do not have the info that would allow me to ensure this does indeed happen.
If the professors are happy to point me in the right direction I will see if I can make any amendments.
Many thanks from Holland for this great heli. It is so good to have two great helicopters to fly now with good flight dynamics!
Love that Hawaiian livery too, waiting for Oahu.....