Steam update has caused floating objects

  • Once again I have all floating airports etc. after new install from Steam. All was well after uninstalling "Beta". Now this new update from steam has caused same problem as before with Beta.. Not sure how I can uninstall the latest steam update? Once again I sure could use some help to solve this crazy problem. I need to add this is own an old PC, which runs Aero just fine. My laptop had no problems with the update.

    Thanks for any suggestions.



    Laptop I7-7700HQ - 2.8/3.6hz, Nvida GeForce GTX 1050 4g, 16gb mem, ssd256 GB +ssd 2.0TB, Win10

  • First I tried without user scenery but still floating and landscape was misplaced. I then re-moved the places/usa/ca. Still no change. Checked scenery in "C:/program files(x86)/steam/steamapps/common/aerofly fs2 fligjt simulator/scenery/airports/usa/ca ", Many sceneries were here.

    Could this be part of the problem. It does not appear they are duplicate.

    There are also "city files" in steam/AFS2/scenery/places/usa/ca (not in document folder)

    I am sort of novice in trouble shooting but hope this will shed some light. One question should I go and transfer files from "steam" folder usa to places/usa/ca.??

    Hope this shed some light.



    Laptop I7-7700HQ - 2.8/3.6hz, Nvida GeForce GTX 1050 4g, 16gb mem, ssd256 GB +ssd 2.0TB, Win10

  • I have a somewhat understanding what have been stated about the tm.log. Wow I do have a problem. Will try to identify where the duplication is and delete any doubles. Hope this will be a start. Maybe also have been placed int the wrong folders. But still not sure why this has happened with the steam update.



    Laptop I7-7700HQ - 2.8/3.6hz, Nvida GeForce GTX 1050 4g, 16gb mem, ssd256 GB +ssd 2.0TB, Win10

  • Jan, still trying to work out this problem. I did change from C:/users/.../aeroflyfs2 to _aerofly fs2 but no change. Is that what you were suggesting or something else. I have been centered on working with USA folders but it is all the airports that have all the floats of airplanes, trees, etc. I guess I need to know if I uninstall Aeroflly per steam and reinstall,would mean all scenery would have to be reinstalled from scratch?

    Is there a way to uninstall the recent steam update?

    Sorry for all the questions.



    Laptop I7-7700HQ - 2.8/3.6hz, Nvida GeForce GTX 1050 4g, 16gb mem, ssd256 GB +ssd 2.0TB, Win10

  • Jan, still trying to work out this problem. I did change from C:/users/.../aeroflyfs2 to _aerofly fs2 but no change. Is that what you were suggesting or something else. I have been centered on working with USA folders but it is all the airports that have all the floats of airplanes, trees, etc. I guess I need to know if I uninstall Aeroflly per steam and reinstall,would mean all scenery would have to be reinstalled from scratch?

    Is there a way to uninstall the recent steam update?

    Sorry for all the questions.

    Uninstalling and re-installing probably won't help because you have too many folders somewhere and steam probably will only remove the official files.

    We can only assume that you have user scenery installed either in your user documents or in the extra user folder. Or you have a second installation of aerofly or the remains of it. The mentioned Steam game file integrity check should help and does pretty much the same as a re-install. But without downloading everything. It just checks if you have the correct files and downloads the missing ones. I hope it also removes files that are unwanted.

  • Yep, I was afraid that was what steam would do, so I got to figure out the user scenery installed and where they are located. I looked at my laptop, (which was installed by steam with mostly same scenery) and the airports which are also on my PC. It appears that there are some differences, which I would assume they should be similar. I need to check why the differences, since the laptop does not have this problem. There are some missing files as well as some files in different locations. Will try to reconcile and see what happens.

    Again I appreciate your help.



    Laptop I7-7700HQ - 2.8/3.6hz, Nvida GeForce GTX 1050 4g, 16gb mem, ssd256 GB +ssd 2.0TB, Win10

  • Jan, I have still been trying to fix the floating on all airports etc. No luck. I have been unable to find one airport with correct elevation etc. Used the integrity check several times. I think I messed up so much that I may never figure out the problem. I have attached the latest tm.log just in case you might find another hint somewhere. What is so strange it is impacting all airports including Orbx scenery. How should someone figure on deleting/uninstalling and start from scratch.

    Appreciate any help.

    Update: integrity check OK. Also integrity check with Orbx scenery, can't find orbx duplicates.

    On several airports "Xed" out Rwy file and floating of runways and trees etc. no longer float but graphics of RWYs exist but washed out looking. Some cases planes are flat and some buildings. (KOAK, KSNA, KEYW, KPHX) .

    If can't fix problems would want to know if uninstall Steam Aerofly and use new USB HD and reinstall basic steam Aerofly on new HD. Delete all aero files purchased and hope I would be able to install to new HD.

    Hpoe this makes sense.

    Appreciate any comments form anyone.




    Laptop I7-7700HQ - 2.8/3.6hz, Nvida GeForce GTX 1050 4g, 16gb mem, ssd256 GB +ssd 2.0TB, Win10

    Edited once, last by ctiger (October 12, 2020 at 10:44 PM).

  • I found some floating trees today. It's right at the edge of the scenery I'm creating for Idaho. You can see my scenery in the foreground, and the AFS2 default scenery in the background. The trees are floating in the AFS2 default scenery.

    I've not yet made any effort to determine if my scenery is causing this, or not. This is the only place that I've seen any anomaly's, and I've been working on this package for months.

  • Where exactly is this? Can you show us the coords?

    I thought I knew exactly where this was, but I can't find it this morning. It may be that I'm lost, or it may be that it only happens in VR and/or the helicopter because I'm just zipping by in the F-18 this morning (without VR). I don't have the time to dig deep with the helicopter this morning. But I'll try and find it at a later date and get back to you.

    But custom scenery and elevation is involved. So it may not even be an IPACS problem. I simply don't know yet.

  • Where exactly is this? Can you show us the coords?

    Actually, the reason I can't find it may have to do with the fact that I've updated elevation mesh since that photo was taken. It may not be a problem anymore. And it may have never been an IPACS problem. I'll take better notes should it happen again in the future, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over that picture above. It's from custom scenery that is very much still being developed.

  • As you may know I have been trying to fix my floating”ALL” airports, airplanes above runways ets. Also the airports appear to be washed out landscape is not flat. Steam has uninstalled and then reinstall but the problem persist. The integrity indicates no problem. All appears ok until I pick airport and plane and start at the location. Steam has installed recent update.

    After reinstall

    • C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Aerofly…/scenery/airports/usa and ch (folders) are “list of airports” Note under “airports” there are a total of 991.MB plus “3,371 files, 298 folders. (hope that makes sense)
    • C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Aerofly…/scenery/places/ch and usa folders include data for cities etc. (appears normal) usa folders include az,ca,co,fl,nv, and ny folders.
    • Xref has 6 folders: aircraft, airport, buildings, ch, generic, and vehicles.
    • Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator AddOns/scenery/8 Orbx scenery folders

    under /C: “documents/aeroflyFS2/all folders”are present but are empty.

    Also EC135 is installed but does not show up when startup.

    Sure would appreciate any comments/ideas on what could be tried to fix this problem.

    Disregard main.mcf

  • That's the first good news I have heard. I have a few screenshots at KLAX, KJFK, and Key West. These are typical throughout. Unfortunately have not been able reduce the bmp using screenshot. "file too big" Still working on it.

    Finally got one. Will try to send others but this is typical washed out. Can't see the floats will send asap.

  • I cannot make anything out in the first shot but there is what appears to be a glider coming in to land on runway 7L in the second one. Was that the floating object?

    For screenshots I use the free version of FRAPS. Once I take the screenshots I go to the directory in which they are saved and if I want to post any shots I right click on the file and select open with Paint. I then resize the picture to either 640x480 or 800x600 and then save it as a jpeg. The result is a clear up loadable file.

  • @ctiger: Your screenshots are hard to see. But it looks like we have a 3D driver problem here with our shaders. As a test, could you please activate the 'Vulkan' renderer in the graphic settings and see if that improves anything on your side? Also we recommend to install the latest 3D driver from AMD for your AMD Radeon HD 6770 It might be that a Windows update has overriden the custom AMD 3D driver. The HD 6770 is a very old card and it's no longer receiving driver updates, the latest we saw is from 2016.