Could you please make a converter (TTX file viewer/converter) that will allow for editing of cloud textures , and all other textures inside of Aerofly 2?
Currently, only a limited amount of textures can be edited released in your SDK.
By doing this many people would start developing for your very well VR performing sim. The fact that is VR is the future and Aerofly FS2 still has a great chance to grow in big ways if developers are allowed to create easily for this sim . Lately ,Microsoft Flight sim 2020 is very popular which will lead to fall in interest in other sims unless they are willing to do as MSFS has done allowing for easy editing to make new addons for their sim. The more developers make addons for your sim the more popular the sim becomes and in return the future gets better for that sim.
Who else agrees this will help growth of this sim?