NEW - La Palma and El Hierro Islands

  • Hola Miguel:

    You are clearly a tireless creator; now in pairs (La Palma and El Hierro). Well, as you very well know, now La Palma is boiling, as well as its citizens; too bad we can't extinguish that volcano, but...that's another problem out of our capabilities.

    Once again, my thanks for this new couple that you are creating, that touches me more closely because it is Spanish territory, and that I know.

    Kind regards: Delfin

  • Hola Miguel:

    You are clearly a tireless creator; now in pairs (La Palma and El Hierro). Well, as you very well know, now La Palma is boiling, as well as its citizens; too bad we can't extinguish that volcano, but...that's another problem out of our capabilities.

    Once again, my thanks for this new couple that you are creating, that touches me more closely because it is Spanish territory, and that I know.

    Kind regards: Delfin

    Muchas gracias, estas son las dos últimas islas para hacer, tanto en el paisaje como en el cultivo de este nuevo proyecto, sus amables palabras y apoyo son muy apreciados. Saludos cordiales Michael. 

    Thank you so much this is the last two islands to make in both scenery and cultivation for this new project your kind words and support are greatly appreciated. Kindest regards Michael.

    Best wishes, Michael :)

  • Ciao Michael

    Conoscendo la tua enorme attività come creatore di colture in questa comunità, sono sbalordito. Hai creato enormi aree di coltivazione. Quante centinaia di ore dedicate a questa attività? Quante centinaia di migliaia di chilometri quadrati hai coltivato? Il tuo sforzo è così grande e prolungato che è difficile da quantificare. Se qualcuno in questa comunità merita un grande riconoscimento per il suo enorme lavoro creativo, uno dei più importanti si chiama Michael (IZOJUB). Se potessi dare una valutazione personale tra 0 e 10, ti darei un 11 (UNA VOLTA). Sento solo una cosa: che la risoluzione di questi ritagli non abbia altre dimensioni più vistose, qualcosa di simile a MSFS. Ah, grazie per il testo in spagnolo, questa sensibilità è da apprezzare. Ricevi un abbraccio per il tuo immenso lavoro. Delfin


    Hola Michael

    Knowing your enormous activity as a crop creator in this community, I am in awe. You have created huge cultivation areas. How many hundreds of hours dedicated to this activity? How many hundreds of thousands of square kilometers have you cultivated? Your effort is so great and prolonged that it is difficult to quantify. If someone in this community deserves great recognition for his enormous creative work, one of the very, very prominent is called Michael (IZOJUB). If I could give a personal rating between 0 and 10, I would give you an 11 (ELEVEN). I only feel one thing: that the resolution of these crops does not have other more showy dimensions, something similar to MSFS. Ah! Thank you for the text in Spanish, that sensitivity is to be appreciated.

     Receive a hug for your immense work. Delfin