Do you like searching easter eggs? Ok.... :)
Out now on Flight-sim.org.
Who will be the first and find the Ufo-place and made a shot as a proof?
The next thing is a little "Bella Italia"-upate, which completes the Italia-scenery with San Remo and other things. With this update i have any areas and the Mediterranian Sea. For a better seamless immersion for long distance flights i have colored the Ocean ( in low size - its only 3,2 MB ) Togehter with the Oceantiles from Spain / Morocco the end result should now looking so:
And here the other areas from the Italia-update:
and here any shots from France:
hope you like it.
Bella Italia: If you are using for Bella Italia the latest and current cultivation, where are unfortunately the Lake from Perugia are full of trees - i have now a fix for you. My fix will repair and remove the old area around the lake. I have made a complete handeditet Cultivation around the lake. I found any heavy image-issues in my photoscenery too and have made this area ( and others ) with a fresh colorlook complete new.
Thats, what i mean:
and after restoration:
And here any shots around the new lake:
the area:
Hope, you like it.
Hello! Looks great. Cannot get places.rar to decompress on my MAC. I have tried RAR Extractor and RAR ZIP 7Z Unarchiver both give an error message cannot be extracted
If you give me the link of the page in the https://flight-sim.org I will test if I can get it extracted on my Mac.
France - From St. Tropez to Monaco ( remastered / complete scenery ) - Flight-Sim.orgFrance - from St. Tropez to Monaco. A little Extension for "Bella Italia" together with the new Italia-Update with San Remo. Restored Photoscenery with…flight-sim.org
Italia update out now too.
NEACPSP: Do you have can solve your rar-problem?
I have tried on my Mac and cannot decompress 2 files:
- from the page https://flight-sim.org/filebase/index…te-01-from-02/:
- file https://flight-sim.org/filebase/index…02/&fileID=2527 - from the page https://flight-sim.org/filebase/index…ly-remastered/:
- file https://flight-sim.org/filebase/index…ed/&fileID=2525
In both cases I get this message:
- Es gab ein Problem beim Lesen des Inhaltes von "..": Das Archiv ist nicht komplett
- from the page https://flight-sim.org/filebase/index…te-01-from-02/:
Da bin ich überfragt. Ich lade immer alles gepackt min WinRar hoch. Bei mir funktionierts. Das umwandeln in Zip kommt vom Higgy.
Beats me. I always upload everything packed min WinRar. It works for me. Converting to zip comes from Higgy.
Nachtrag: Ich weiß nur, dass zip 001 und 002 zusammengehören - also, ich meine, man muss beide im selben Verzeichnis haben und nur 001 entpacken! Ohne Part 002 läßt sich 001 nicht entpacken! Meine, ich mich zu erinnern....
Addendum: All I know is that zip 001 and zip 002 go together - well, I mean you have to have both in the same directory and only unzip 001! 001 cannot be unpacked without part 002! Me, I to remember....
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand? Nobody find the ufo places? From Louis de Funes??!!
NEIN .. doch .... OHHHHH
Danke für Deine Antwort - das könnte passen./ Thanks for your answer - that might fit.
Mit Italien biste übrigens was spät dran - kann das sein?!
Nee, das scheint nur so. Ich überarbeite gerade alle heruntergeladenen Szenerien (und ich habe sie alle :-)) und manche lade ich dabei erneut herunter, wenn mir die die file_id fehlt oder ich an der file_id eine neuere Version erkenne.
No, it just seems that way. I'm currently revising all downloaded sceneries (and I have them all :-)) and some I download again when the file_id is missing or I recognize a newer version by the file_id.
No chance to find the UFO. I think I have flown back an forth in the St. Tropez area without any luck. I even checked the toc files for any suspicious object. I give up!
I also didn't sofar find the somewhere around St Tropez hidden UFO. Nevertheless a great thank you 'Schnuffelduffel' for the great enhanced scenery
of the Côte Azur regio....I just submit now 3 shots in the AFS2-Gallery as complement to the already posted shots from other members.
Hello Schnuffelduffel,
Thank you very much for your new great Côte Azur flying area on FS2!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand? Nobody find the ufo places? From Louis de Funes??!!
Yes, I think I have found the place.
Just did not have time to make the post with the screenshot and it is missing the Ufo! On the other hand, the place looks very authentic ...
No chance to find the UFO. I think I have flown back an forth in the St. Tropez area without any luck. I even checked the toc files for any suspicious object. I give up
Not the UFO - only the place ( at this time.... )
But, who knows..... Maybe the UFO comes later....
Ah, I see. Anyway many thanks for the great addons from your side. I enjoy them very much.