The cultivation for Helgoland and Dunes is there, but no photoscenery or mesh only water, must be a bug !
Helgoland and Dunes is missing
jr6000dk -
July 9, 2022 at 8:18 PM -
Thread is Resolved
You can use my mesh and the ortho of IZ0JUB in the meantime ...
New - Version 3 - Helgoland in HD Scenery - February 2022 - Flight-Sim.orgUpdate: Orthos are colour adapted to the East Frisian Islands Scenery. Helgoland, also spelled Heligoland, island, Schleswig-Holstein Land (state),… -
Das wird sich ändern sobald das SDK zur Verfügung steht
You can use my mesh and the ortho of IZ0JUB in the meantime ...
In addition, here are my results for EDXH (Helgoland Düne Flugplatz) and DE0035 (Helgoland Insel Heliport) from the alpha test of the new tool for the FS4. Please consider this only an alpha version because of the points that still need to be corrected -- you can still have fun with it.
Please load the two directories into the user folder for aerodromes, e.g. on a Mac:
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Aerofly FS 4/scenery/airports/de/