I have the following Problem:
AFFS2 DVD Version is installed and have two Icons to start it with and without VR. VR uses Steam VR as an interface, This works fine,
Then I installed AFFS4 Steam version. This one installed only one desktop icon, starting the none-VR mode.
In Steam I can choose if I want to start the none-VR mode or the SteamVR mode - both working.
Nevertheless I got one time a message, I can use native VR mode if I start it from the desktop.
What are the parameters I need to add, to start native VR with Aerofly FS 4 and Reverb G2?
I can do it with: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Aerofly FS 4 Flight Simulator\bin64_windows\aerofly_fs_4.exe" -steamvr -lang=de
but this will only start steam vr.
Any help? Or is there no native VR integration with Windows Mixed Reality?