Does the MB-339 have working trim ? I was flying it today but couldn't see anything, maybe I'm missing something or it just doesn't need it.
MB-339 trim function ?
Oculite 1 -
October 17, 2022 at 12:07 AM -
Thread is marked as Resolved.
I use a joystick assignment, many military trims are on the aircraft’s joystick which cannot realistically be clicked in the sim.
A control axis dedicated for trim used to (or still does) interfere with the sim autopilot’s vertical control, I use a pair of buttons high up on my joystick, they allow normal autopilot function.
I forgot to mention that I'm flying in VR, I can't see anything representing trim or auto pilot in the cockpit. The plane generally wants to nose upwards even at low speed, it's difficult to keep level with just the stick but of course I am a novice in this particular aircraft.
Thanks for the response Overloaded, the keys I've assigned to trim function on the PC keyboard move the stick backward/forward but no real trimming as such. I don't think it's there in this sim. It's still a good plane though
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If you fly in VR and don't have a trim assigned you should use the assistance for auto-trim
I'll try that, thanks
Look at the MB339's trim indication instrument and use your trim keys, the trim indication should move. The stick moving is a only sim artefact. The old De Havilland Tiger Moth actually had bungee rubber cords giving variable pull on the control column and it did move with trim.
Got it ! I was looking for a dial on the instrument panel that had the word 'trim' but it's actually a small dial on the top left that reads nose up, nose down. When I use the trim keys on the keyboard it moves up and down and trims perfectly in flight...Thanks again for your help Master Overloaded