I just received an Aerofly 2023 update with a bunch of bug fixes. I noticed that the bug that caused the pink route line to be missing from the 787's ND screen has been fixed. The only thing that hasn't been corrected is the problem with the auto tuning option, which continues without automatically inserting the ILS frequencies and the course in the aircraft's radio and FMC panel. For the ILS frequencies, we have to enter them manually in the radio and FMC panel of the planes, a situation that did not occur in the 2022 version where the frequencies were automatically inserted when the auto tuning option was activated.
New update ( with bug fixes for Android
- Official Post
@Beto McFly: Could you please uninstall Aerofly FS 2023 completely and the do a full reinstall. The navigation database doesn't get updated properly if just doing an update from Google Play.
@ Beto McFly : Você poderia por favor desinstalar o Aerofly FS 2023 completamente e fazer uma reinstalação completa. O banco de dados de navegação não é atualizado corretamente apenas fazendo uma atualização do Google Play.
But if I do that won't I have to pay again for the simulator?
@ Beto McFly : Você poderia por favor desinstalar o Aerofly FS 2023 completamente e fazer uma reinstalação completa. O banco de dados de navegação não é atualizado corretamente apenas fazendo uma atualização do Google Play.
I'm doing this now. A question. Has the bug in the auto tuning function been fixed?
- Official Post
We have an option in game to restore your purchases.
We have an option in game to restore your purchases.
I'm doing this now. A question. Has the bug in the auto tuning function been fixed?
- Official Post
@Beto McFly: Please download and try it and report back if it still doesn't work with detailed explanations.
@Beto McFly: Please download and try it and report back if it still doesn't work with detailed explanations.
admin Jet-Pack (IPACS) Good Morning. I did some checks after reinstalling the simulator and noticed that the bug in the auto tuning function was fixed. Now ILS frequencies are being automatically entered into the planes radio and FMC. Now it only remains to correct the fuel consumption failure of the Dash Q400 and Learjet 45. These two planes have a high fuel consumption. They don't crash due to lack of fuel but the warnings on the panel are annoying. Remembering that this flaw did not exist in Aerofly versions 2020 and 2021 and came to exist in version 2022. Thank you so much 🤝🏽😃
Where can I update my sim? I don’t find it anywhere.
- Official Post
Fuel consumption is not yet implemented, sorry.
O consumo de combustível ainda não está implementado, desculpe.
admin You misunderstood my post. I'm referring to the Learjet and the Dash q400. In these two planes the fuel consumption is implemented. The problem is that these two planes consume all the fuel available in about 40 minutes of flight, which causes alerts to appear on the panels of both and this is quite annoying. This glitch has been occurring since Aerofly 2022 and did not occur in versions 2020 and 2021.
- Official Post
@Beta McFly: What you see there is a preliminary implementation of fuel consumption. It's by no means ready yet and needs further work. It was a mistake on our side to already activate it in those aircraft, sorry.
@Beta McFly: What you see there is a preliminary implementation of fuel consumption. It's by no means ready yet and needs further work. It was a mistake on our side to already activate it in those aircraft, sorry.
Is it not possible to fix this glitch now? Why do we leave the fuel stuck without being consumed in a situation similar to what happens on the 787 and 777? Leaving the fuel blocked without being consumed causes the alerts on the panels of these two planes not to appear.
@Beta McFly: O que você vê é uma implementação preliminar do consumo de combustível. Ainda não está pronto e precisa de mais trabalho. Foi um erro nosso já ativá-lo naquelas aeronaves, desculpe.
admin Jet-Pack (IPACS) I noticed that on the Boeing 787 and 777 aircraft fuel consumption is not simulated which means that no fuel shortage alert appears on the panels of both aircraft. Doing this on Learjet and Dash q400 aircraft makes these alerts not appear on the dashboards. When I'm flying these planes the fuel runs out quickly which causes several low fuel alerts to appear which is something that bothers me. So I suggest that you block the fuel consumption on the Learjet and Dash q400 so that the same thing happens with the 787 and 777 where the fuel consumption is not simulated.
Onde posso atualizar meu sim? Não acho em lugar nenhum.
What is your device system? iOS or Android? The update with bug fixes is available since yesterday for Android devices in the playstore.
I still can‘t find any update on IOS in my App Store is that right?
Ainda não consigo encontrar nenhuma atualização do IOS na minha App Store, certo?
My device is Android and therefore I don't know of any update for iOS. I suggest you ask admin or Jet-Pack (IPACS).
We have an option in game to restore your purchases.
I noticed that on the Boeing 787 and 777 aircraft fuel consumption is not simulated which means that no fuel shortage alert appears on the panels of both aircraft. Doing this on Learjet and Dash q400 aircraft makes these alerts not appear on the dashboards. When I'm flying these planes the fuel runs out quickly which causes several low fuel alerts to appear which is something that bothers me. So I suggest that you block the fuel consumption on the Learjet and Dash q400 so that the same thing happens with the 787 and 777 where the fuel consumption is not simulated.