Hi there,
I did a flight with the 737 yesterday and some questions came up.
So I wanted to open a thread for these and maybe more to come:
- The device marked in the picture below seems to be used in order to figure out V2.
The ZFW, which is set there by default, does not seem to match with the ZFW of the FMC though:
87080/2.2 = 39.581. Am I miscalculating? - Would it not be better to have this device show weights in KGS?
- Does someone know the minimum flaps speeds for this 737?
- The FMC calculates a T/D. However there is no page in the FMC revealing the DIST to the T/D, is there?
- How do you figure out Vref for landing? I just used the table next to the device I mentioned,
but these speeds seem to be meant for a heavier configuration...