Département Finistère / Bretagne / France - Released
flightxtreme -
February 9, 2023 at 11:20 AM -
Thread is Resolved
Merci. Je vais y jeter un œil...
LFRL with the new airfield modelling tool is making progress -- also thanks to HERE , which shows LFRL unpixelated.
LFRJ is my next major project🚧, the other airfields from the area are already largely created "on the side" during testing😎.
Thank you! definitely.
During the alpha test of the new tool, I also created the airfields from this project. Because the result is also still alpha, I am not yet posting it on Flight-Sim.org -- but anyone interested can try it out -- have fun.
Preversion from LiDAR 10 meter mesh published for the region.
(If you find airfields/airports not landable or discover big mesh errors, please report)
Missing Level 15 for the eastern part added
Images Part 2 Level 09 to 15 (V1.1) ~ 23GB
Mesh V1.2 published. Airports/Airfields and Heliports are flattened.
True to the motto "good things come to those who wait", it unfortunately took me a little while to get the LFRH LORIENT airfield ready - but now it is.
The challenge was that there are no good images for the mixed civil/military airfield in FS4 or in the FS4-AirportCreationTool, because military airfields are often pixelated. Since HERE has unpixelated images, I reconstructed the airfield as best as possible.