Does anyone know about this site Aerofly Missionsgerät?
It is possible to convert a FMS file to a TMC file (Aerofly mission).
Where should I copy the TMC file to retreive it in Aerofly?
Thank you to all.
Does anyone know about this site Aerofly Missionsgerät?
It is possible to convert a FMS file to a TMC file (Aerofly mission).
Where should I copy the TMC file to retreive it in Aerofly?
Thank you to all.
Hi FrankLFRS , I am the author of the Missionsgerät, and I am glad to help.
The Missionsgerät converts many formats in many other formats, and X-Plane's FMS files are on the list for import as well as export (see https://fboes.github.io/aerofly-missio…stallation.html for the complete list). If your are referring to another FMS format you may be out of luck, but if there is documentation on the format I can build an import in the future.
The TMC file need to go to a special folder (and needs to have a special name), see https://fboes.github.io/aerofly-missio…stallation.html
Actually there was a suggestion to IPACS to accept more TMC files in that folder, but I think that idea stalled.
Congratulations for your web application.
It has accepted a FMS file supposed to be an X-Plane one.
I see that the ball is in the IPACS side.
Dear Jet-Pack (IPACS)
I have a request.
There is a web tool to create a FMS file (X-Plane flight plan), and another tool to convert it on a TMC file (Aerofly flight plan mission).
Online Flight Planner - ONLY FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION you can create a flight plan from SID to STAR respecting airways and you can use AIRAC 1301 that matches Aerofly best. You can obtain a FMS file among many other formats.
Aerofly Missionsgerät (fboes.github.io) you can convert the FMS file to a TMC file (related to the custom_missions.tmc).
The idea is to be able to put the final TMC files in a folder of Aerofly installation and be able to select one of them to automatically fill the route in the Navigation Menu for example.
Thank you and best regards.
The idea is to be able to put the final TMC files in a folder of Aerofly installation and be able to select one of them to automatically fill the route in the Navigation Menu for example.
This is a brilliant idea, which can be broken up in multiple steps:
Oh, and one more feature:
I think this would open up AFS4 not only to the idea of storing your favourite flights, but also to sharing cool flights with the community. (Like https://flight-sim.org/filebase/index…for-fs2-or-fs4/, but much easier to create and share.)
Actually the whole discussion brought me back to my old flight adventure idea, so maybe I build a road trip in the Carribbean.