Streaming no Aerofly Fs 4 PC

  • I'm using Aerofly Fs 4 in streaming mode with the airports generated by the simulator, I really like what I'm seeing, I saw that the airports in Aerofly Global Mobile are much better than those in Aerofly Fs 4, these improvements are reflected in Aerofly Fs 4 together with the pushback? otherwise the experience is incredible if you fly all over the world, congratulations to ipacs

  • In streaming mode (Aerofly FS 4), if you fly the same airports than Aerofly mobile you should have the same quality.

    Generated airports have SID, STAR and approaches including ILS.

    I use streaming off with AIRAC1301 which is ok at 99%.

    MacBook Pro | M3 Max 36 Gb RAM | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiss A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR (soon A330neo) | KOSP Project | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | Latest AIRAC | SimBrief | Navigraph | WebFMC | MetarTaf

  • Streaming is OFF because I prefer the quality of the DLCs.

    There’s no list and there’s no option to only show global reworked airports. There are many in USA, Europe (DLC). Japan are mainly reworked but Kansai is at 1mm above water in the country that has invented the word tsunami!

    What I did to find then is to zoom on an airport with the location menu, if I see gate spawn so the airport seems reworked.

    Talking about quality, with streaming OFF, there’s no option to use streaming to only complete the lacks at the DLCs edge or farther areas without seeing autogenerated airports. For example the Chicago airport in DLC is incomplete whereas it is finished in streaming (all runways, buildings, city, trees).

    But one day, I will be forced to use streaming where things are updated. The day DLCs will be too much obsolete. Because it is obvious that IPACS will not work twice: in streaming and in DLCs.

    MacBook Pro | M3 Max 36 Gb RAM | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiss A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR (soon A330neo) | KOSP Project | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | Latest AIRAC | SimBrief | Navigraph | WebFMC | MetarTaf

  • In streaming mode (Aerofly FS 4), if you fly the same airports than Aerofly mobile you should have the same quality.

    Generated airports have SID, STAR and approaches including ILS.

    I use streaming off with AIRAC1301 which is ok at 99%.

    Every single STAR/SID? I'm looking to fly into KMSP and would like to see if they are accurately reflected. I hope generated airports are included in the soon-to-be-released next mobile version.

    Kind regards and safe flying.
