Jet-Pack (IPACS) Hello there!It is long time from I sand post in this forum. I was busy with my studies and other things recenttly, and have no time to devote to flight simulator. Now I'm trying to learn to modify aircraft aerodynamics. I found that in the new version you added the following aerodynamic code.
<[float64][GroundEffectFactor] [1.2]>
<[float64][GroundEffectScale] [0.68]>
<[float64][GroundEffectCm0] [-0.06]>
<[float64][GroundEffectCmFlap] [-0.08]>
I'd like to know what exactly this code does for the ground effect of the aircraft. I am modifying the parameters of the B777 to make its landing performance more realistic.
Thanks a lot for your reply!