Cross country flights, local flights, flight trace, advanced view movements and landmarks

  • I have some doubts. What are cross country flights, local flights, flight trace, advanced view movements and landmarks? Can anyone explain to me what these options that appear in the simulator settings menu are and what they are for?

    I also want to know what the options shown in the screenshot below are for.

  • I have some doubts. What are cross country flights, local flights, flight trace, advanced view movements and landmarks? Can anyone explain to me what these options that appear in the simulator settings menu are and what they are for?

    The cross country flights, local flights etc are to do with AI traffic. How many flights are long haul compared to short haul etc.
    Flight trace is AI aircraft info enabled or disabled.
    Advanced view movements were added ages ago, they allow the camera to move further than just from the seat to reach buttons across the flight deck.
    Landmarks point out areas in cities, displayed as white text above the area. E.g if enabled in LA area could be ‘Beverly Hills, LA International, Financial District’ that kinda stuff.

  • The cross country flights, local flights etc are to do with AI traffic. How many flights are long haul compared to short haul etc.
    Flight trace is AI aircraft info enabled or disabled.
    Advanced view movements were added ages ago, they allow the camera to move further than just from the seat to reach buttons across the flight deck.
    Landmarks point out areas in cities, displayed as white text above the area. E.g if enabled in LA area could be ‘Beverly Hills, LA International, Financial District’ that kinda stuff.

    Thank you very much for the explanations.