Seems like AP LNAV can´t follow the magenta flight path if one of the legs (on the legs page of the CDU) is a INTC leg
instead it just continues on the same heading without turning to the next waypoint:
The workaround is going to the location menu and set the aircraft position on the map a little ahead of the last waypoint before INTC (between D103P and D077N in this case) and resume navigation from there, then the AP flies the route beautifully, but again having to pause the simulation and respawn the aircraft kills the immersion.
@Jet-Pack (IPACS) Do you know if there are plans to fix this kind of INTC legs?
I think this topic or something similar has been discussed before in this thread:
RE: Minor LNAV Issue
Thanks for the report, we'll check if we can prevent that issue at the intercept point.
Jet-Pack (IPACS)