Hello IPACS , a weird thing is happening with my flight controls when I'm using my xbox controller on android , when I start the game sometimes my flight controls are on the left stick , other times I start the game and it's on the right stick , it only happens on android , I have an IOS device and it's always on the right stick where it should be .

Flight controls
Hello IPACS , a weird thing is happening with my flight controls when I'm using my xbox controller on android , when I start the game sometimes my flight controls are on the left stick , other times I start the game and it's on the right stick , it only happens on android , I have an IOS device and it's always on the right stick where it should be .
I’m not android, so I wouldn’t know how to help you, but have you tried deleting redownloading?
Another thing to try would be using different batteries, or use a different controller. Those are my only suggestions and I would try to contact Jet-Pack (IPACS) for better advice, or contact the support team which they can help with.
Regards,Mr.Krabbs Son
Something must of gotten tweaked , started the game and the controller layout on android is the same as IOS now . Thank you IPACS
Hello Devs , the controller sticks settings got switched automatically again , there is definitely a bug on the android side , in my opinion the solution would be to bring back the two controller settings option in the main menu that we had a couple updates ago , so I can change it back from my side whenever it gets switched .