So I know y’all want to build bigger version of the 787 family first,but we seem to see the 787-8 an787-9s used more in our world to this day.

787-8 and 787-9
So I know y’all want to build bigger version of the 787 family first,but we seem to see the 787-8 an787-9s used more in our world to this day.
The developers know that too, perhaps there will be short versions at some point. Personally, I would prefer a greater variety of aircraft manufacturers. Airbus and Boeing are not the only ones Aircraft manufacturers. Whether an aircraft has a long or short fuselage is boring in the long run. Variety is much more important.
So I know y’all want to build bigger version of the 787 family first,but we seem to see the 787-8 an787-9s used more in our world to this day.
Big versions first then and small versions
The developers know that too, perhaps there will be short versions at some point. Personally, I would prefer a greater variety of aircraft manufacturers. Airbus and Boeing are not the only ones Aircraft manufacturers. Whether an aircraft has a long or short fuselage is boring in the long run. Variety is much more important.
Great point we really only have airbus and Boeing, we could really use an Embraer or an An225
Great point we really only have airbus and Boeing, we could really use an Embraer or an An225
Yes, the Embraer is very good for short and medium-haul flights. However, it would also be a new design and therefore a lot of work for the developers. That is the real problem.
So I know y’all want to build bigger version of the 787 family first,but we seem to see the 787-8 an787-9s used more in our world to this day.
As long as a plane like Boeing 787 is made, I think it is only a matter of time before the sub-model and branch model are made. Suppose I am a developer, I will take a random model of all models and make it a representative.This not only ensures the number of aircraft fleets that players can fly, but also ensures playability to a certain extent, so I don't think it is time to ask IPACS to make other branches and sub-models, because there is still a lot of work in the game, including the Airbus 350 that has not been released yet.
The 787-10 has been released for three years at this point. I doubt you are serious about this?
The Boeing 777-200ER doesn't exist but the aircraft itself has been in the sim since 2019.
So I know y’all want to build bigger version of the 787 family first,but we seem to see the 787-8 an787-9s used more in our world to this day.
I agree, but a 789 would be the priority due to the diversity of operations. However, the sounds on the B787 aren't great (hydraulic pumps, bleeds, flaps, PTU, high N1, startup) and the 788 has fewer flap positions (excluding 10, 17 and 18).
It's clean sheet and we don't have dynamic weight. What's the value?
Yes, the Embraer is very good for short and medium-haul flights. However, it would also be a new design and therefore a lot of work for the developers. That is the real problem.
Agreed, but it would consume IPACS' development team. All elements would have to be made from scratch (for an E190, E195-E2, or any other variant) and I don't really wish to see something like the CRJ which has practically zero FMS functionality.
Big versions first then and small versions
Excluding the A319, this hasn't happened. Further, the A321 was stretched. When that argument is made, I find myself confused over the substance of it. The 777F is something I'm willing to exclude since the external texturing is completely new.
The developers know that too, perhaps there will be short versions at some point. Personally, I would prefer a greater variety of aircraft manufacturers. Airbus and Boeing are not the only ones Aircraft manufacturers. Whether an aircraft has a long or short fuselage is boring in the long run. Variety is much more important.
Like you said with the other aircraft manufacturers, I would really like if they added the E175 with it. Jet-Pack (IPACS)