Apple Airplay for aerofly!

  • Hi! I tried playing aerofly using the Apple TV airplay feature with my TV, just using my ipad for the controls, and using the TV for the view. It worked alright, but the resolution was bad and it was a little laggy, with low FPS. I've seen some apps similar to aerofly (similar controls and good 3d graphics e.g metalstorm:online) where if you use them with airplay, the ipad turns into the control inputs only, and the TV becomes the view minus the controls. Having this built into the app reduces the lag, and improves the resolution and that kind of thing, and also makes the view fill the screen, giving a wider field of view. I think a feature like this would work great in aerofly, and would maybe be something for a future update; I know the upcoming update is probably too near for new features to be added in at the last minute.
    Thanks, Tristan

  • If you do manage to get to try this, I'd be interested in the outcome. I need a Lightning cable for my device but haven't got one yet as they are pretty expensive. When I last used my USB/HDMI adaptor on my previous Gen device, my aircraft tracking app called Flightradar24 looked pretty stunning on a big screen with no lag. I didn't have any flight sims at that time to try so can't report on how well they might have looked. Not all of my apps seem to be supported for this configuration though meaning you had to zoom in to get rid of black borders thus losing resolution.

  • Unfortunately, the switch to lightning means the HDMI out actually uses the Airplay protocol for video output. It means you are getting a compressed image, possibly poorer resolution and compression artefacts, and there is still a little amount of lag but not as much as using Airplay over Wifi to the likes of a Apple TV. In short, it won't look as good as it should.