Upgrade from standard RC7 to Professional/Ultimate - MAC

  • Hello!
    I downloaded last week the standard version from Apple store. Now I'm not able to upgrade because the In-App purchase is telling me that internet connection is not ready, and visiting again Apple store it's not possible to
    click on the Top purchased....... such as upgrades.....
    What must I do now=? it's simple to look for an Ultimate version on some pirate site that PAY to get a legal version....
    I know that MAC users are not compared for importance to Windows, but sorry, I insist to use with satisfaction my Mac......
    Thanks a lot for help.
    M i k o

  • Miko,
    there is a known bug in Mac OS X 10.10 that breaks the Upgrade In-Apps on most Macs. We have informed Apple of this issue and all we can hope is, that they will fix it in the next release.
    To somehow circumvent this bug we will release an update soon. This update will cause the In-Apps to work on "more" Mac computers, but it still takes time until the Apple dialog appears.

  • Thanks a lot, if this problem was known to me I ordered directly the profit version..... but with softwares created for W and then transferred to mac I've some experience..... and also in this case it's true....
    I wait for, but how can I know when this release will be ready ?
    sorry for disturb

  • Miko,
    we have uploaded a new version to Apple. With this version upgrade should be possible again, however it is still with some flaws.
    We recommend you start aerofly RC 7 and let it run for 5 minutes. After that you can try to upgrade to a different edition.
    Please report back if this works.
    We hope Apple will fix this issue in the next major Mac OS X release.