What planes do you want in next updates?
- Airbus A380
- Airbus A330
- ATR 42
- Canadair Regional Jet 200
- Embraer 170
What planes do you want in next updates?
- Airbus A380
- Airbus A330
- ATR 42
- Canadair Regional Jet 200
- Embraer 170
Any large or regional airliners are welcome.
What planes do you want in next updates?
- Airbus A380
- Airbus A330
- ATR 42
- Canadair Regional Jet 200
- Embraer 170
Please not only airliners but also small aircrafts like Robin DR400 and some single engine Piper for example
Please not only airliners but also small aircrafts like Robin DR400 and some single engine Piper for example
Thank you
The Piper Cub Special made by Krzysztof Kaniewski is available for aerofly FS (Desktop Sim) here: http://www.aerofly-sim.de/download/downl…per-cub-special
My wish-list - more for the desktop-version I guess:
- Schempp Hirth Duo Discus T or Arcus M (glider - 20 double seater, very common gliders)
- Schempp Hirth Ventus 2cM or 2cxT (glider, 18m, also quite common)
- Rolladen Schneider LS8-b (glider, 15 and 18, current world class leading in womens w-championchip)
- Jonker JS-1c (glider, current world class leading)
- Grob G109 (motor glider)
- Bell 407 (helicopter)
- Da 42 Twin Star
I would like a large tail dragger, civilian or military. C-46 transport or any non US WW 2 bomber? Well a B-17 would be OK.
I had a Ju 88 in FS 98 and it looked great.
Eurofighter Typhoon in RAF colours. Preferably 11 Squadron.
Piper Archerlll.
I would like to see the DH106 Comet 4C in BOAC colours. Besides the Comet being the first commercial passenger jet that particular plane happened to bring me to Australia with my parents as a ten pound tourist in June 1965.
What planes do you want in next updates?
- Airbus A380
- Airbus A330
- ATR 42
- Canadair Regional Jet 200
- Embraer 170
Airbus A330
- Boeing 737-800
- Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner
Helicopter Huey
I would like to see a helicopter introduced into the sim.The Newi by Rex boasts helicopter pads everywhere.Perhaps nobody mentioned to them the missing ingredient
Helicopters are more imerssive in VR than Fixed Wing IMHO
Please not only airliners but also small aircrafts like Robin DR400 and some single engine Piper for example
The Robin DR400 is already available. Look at the forum.
Cheers, Ed
Well anything really, but if I had to get a wish list:
Any military jets, any country (F18E, F14, F16, F86, F4, F35(A,B,C), F22, F20 (F5), A10, Typhoon, Rafale, Mirage III, Mirage F1, Viggen, Gripen, Sukhois (27, 33, 34, 35, 47), Migs (15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29), SR71, F117, B1, B2, B52, AV8B, ...)
Any WWII war plane (P51, Spitfire, Me 109, Zero, Seiran, long list)
Military transport (and refueling) planes: (KC 135, AC47, C17, C130, A400M, Noratlas)
Others: Fieseler storch, E2C hawkeye (or C2), OV10 Bronco, DC3, B36, Fokker Dr1, paraglider, hang glider, KA8 glider, X15, Xwing fighter, tie fighter
I won't go into helicopters (or gyrocopters) for now
My "reasonable" list would be A10 (or OV-10) for maneuverability, DC3 for civilian planes flyers.
That's just from the top of my head, and I'm willing to help with the work.
Oops sorry I thought the post was in PC FS2, same list though!
I just moved it over since you guys are probably all talking about the Aerofly FS 2 Desktop right now.
But I wanted to add my current list as well
My personal list for aircraft would be:
- Embraer 175, 190 maybe 145, CRJ 800 to 1000, MD 82 to 90, Boeing 737-500 to 900 NG (split scimitar ), Boeing 777-300, Boeing 787, Boeing 757, 767, Airbus A350, A330, A319 and A321, Bombardier CSeries 100 and 300, Gulfstreams (probably not happening
), ATR 42 and 72, DC3, DC6,
- V22 Osprey (that would be so cool), Bell 407, H135, H145 (EC), Bo 105, AS-350, UH1-D, NH90, MD902, RAH66 Comanche, AH-64 Apache, Tiger?, MD-500,...
- F35B (because we can), Mirage, Tornado, F14, Eurofighter, F16, Harrier
WWII as mentioned
T6 Texan, B2 Sprit, Blackbird, C5 Galaxy, Do228,...
And GA (and slightly bigger)
Cessna Caravan, Beechcraft Bonanza, Pilatus Porter, J3 Cub, DHC-2 Beaver, DHC-6 Twin Otter, PC-12, TBM 850, DA40, SR22, PLZ-104 Wilga, Huskey, Mooney,
And aerobatics:
Sbach 342, Yak54, Su31, Edge 540, MX2, MDM Fox,...
Gliders (as above)
Duo Discus, Arcus, LS8, Discus,...
Canadair CL-415, G21 Goose, Space Shuttle, drones
Light aircraft
Paraglider, Wingsuit, Parachuite, Trike, C42 (UL),
affs2 has no vfr terrain, so i would go with A380, B737-900, B787
or finish existing models before starting new ones? current are far from complete.
most models are available for other platforms, why not cooperating with the experts?
think about converting those to accelerate affs2's pipeline on real needs like nav, atc, ai, wx, fpl, ground ops, etc. 😯
affs2 has no vfr terrain, so i would go with A380, B737-900, B787
or finish existing models before starting new ones? current are far from complete.
most models are available for other platforms, why not cooperating with the experts?
think about converting those to accelerate affs2's pipeline on real needs like nav, atc, ai, wx, fpl, ground ops, etc. 😯
Apart from maybe missing auto gen Aerofly has VFR scenery, the best looking if you ask me
Of course, finish the existing ones, that was just my personal wishlist . A simulator aircraft can never be finished 100%...
And yes, external add on developers can cover all of these aircraft, no default sim has all of the aircraft right away, that is where add ons come in
how about PBY Catalina?
Any Helicopter, and GAs, Cessnas, Pipers, Beechcrafts, ...
Also the change to have glider being tugged by an aircraft.
ULM would also be welcomed, and, of course ... WW2 airbirds