What is really behind the Aerofly B 737-200?

  • The 737-500 analog cockpit seems strangely like a late model 737-200 in that the engines gauges seem to be for JT-8s.

    The engine instruments include an EPR gauge which implies an earlier low bypass ratio engine.

    Is the cockpit a straight -200 copy but with the N1 gauge put on top? and what performance model is used?

    At cruise the fuel flow looks like about twice that of a high bypass ratio CFM 56 and the impossible (excluding Rolls Royce 'IEPR') EPR gauges give sensible 737-200 readings from a 737-500 (non Rolls Royce) big fan and core engine.

    I wonder if this model started off as a -200 and was changed to a -500 to look more modern? The -500 is only one foot longer than a -200 and the wing is almost identical. No way of telling from its appearance. That could be one reason why this (better for the sim) analog cockpit version was released.
    Of course this will not be important unless fuel burn is simulated in the future.