I'm new to AeroflyRC7, my basic RC simulator is RealFlight G6.5. But now I need RC simulator on my Macbook and it seems that AeroflyRC7 is the best solution for me - it runs smooth and works fine with RFG6.5 controller. The only issue I faced with is the physics of the aircrafts.
I noticed that it is really hard to do 3D airplane maneuvers such as Knife Edge Spin, Lomcevak, multiple SnapRolls, Pop-Top comparing to RFG6.5.
I tried many models like Extra, Edge, Yak, Katana, Su. I increased Dual Rates value and even tried to increase servo travelling settings, moved CG - the airplane can rotate over its nose but still not able to do 3D maneuvers.
For example, I have an experience with a real Sebart Su29S 50e which can do KES very easy. Running AeroflyRC7's model I can't do KES, the plane is going to inverted Flat Spin.
Can somebody share opinion/experience?
I'm running 7.0.7 version and would like to purchase the latest Ultimate if there is a solution or a guideline for settings of the airplanes for 3D flying.