On most flight simulators I have used, where turn coordinators are made available with their turn ( standard ) rate callibration, usually 2 min turn for most GA, sometimes 4 min for heavier aircraft, airliners and some helicopters, and 1 min rate turns for gliders, I invariantly find that while some aircraft can perform their std rate turns in the supposed close to 2 clock minutes ( or whatever the rate turn for that aircarft is defined ), other models considerably under/over-shoot it...
Being one of the standard instruments used in training, ifr, etc, one of the "sacred six", I place more attention on their modeling, in any flight simulator. Basic things first...
In Aerofly FS 2, just like in many other flight simulators I have used / tested, I can perform perfect 2 min rate turns in the C172, but, as soon as I pick the Baron 58 ( that's the only other model where such an instrument is available ) it considerably undershoots the rate, and completes any 360º standard turn ( meaning that it is performed with the inclinometer aligned withe either of the 2 min marks ) in way less than 2 min.
I never understood, in simulators other than MSFS variants, why this happens. Is it a problem with the instrument code ( turn coordinator ), or a problem with the flight dynamics / physics modeling?
Would be great to have it right, also for the Baron, in future updates