SDK - airport question
Yes, the deviation is caused by a wrong transformation of lon lat coordinates into our global system. We have fixed this bug internally and will roll out a new release soon.
IPACS Support,
I'm testing out a technique to convert the airport area automatically from images - before finally imported into 3ds max.
(let robots take over...
But a problem arises when it comes to runways.
I try to understand how I can make a runway using the simplest purest technique. But it does not yet work as expected. Please see attached illustrations.
Are there any restrictions beyond a simple flat mesh/grid + a runway-texture (map) assigned to selected surfaces (polygon: Material IDs)?
(temporarily I exclude "dirt-textures" etc.).
Any thoughts would be welcome.
Have a look at KINGMAN, our ground objects like runway and taxiway support vertex colors that allow you to blend through the ground smoothly. There might be a bug in our exporter right now that if you didn't specify any vertex colors at all, the whole ground is transparent.
So please add vertex colors and see if the issue is fixed. We will check internally if we can fix this inconsistency.
IPACS Support,
Many thanks for your feedback. I greatly appreciate your advice.
KINGMAN ground object (runway) is converted to a "collapsed" "Editable Poly" mesh with limited information.
I tried the VertexPaint tool - and I can see the paint (vertex color) on my custom runway-mesh in 3ds max - but I see no effect in Aerofly FS2. Please see attached illustrations.
I can control the transparency of the copy from Kingman runway example - but not the custom runway I made from scratch in 3ds max.
So here is something I fail to understand. Maybe I do not use the correct technique in 3ds max (the relationship between vertex and material).
Perhaps there is a secret magic runway formula?
Or a bug in the exporter?Yet I do not understand why we are forced to use a VertexPaint tool to create a simple clean runway. Think I must wait for an update to advance the process.
In the meantime, thank you so much for your attention and participation.
I have enjoyed flight simulators back from subLOGIC Flight Simulator II for Commodore 64 - and now I hope Aerofly FS2 will succeed.
Hello Hartman,
if i see it corectly, you are using one "multi-Sub-material", and to me it looks like that the names of those Sub-Materials are not correct.
They need to have a suffix on the name "__airport__apron", "__airport__runway" and "__airport__outside". So for example, the material assigned to the Runway could be namend "tarmac01__airport__runway"
Hope it will help.
You point out the error. Wrong sub-material name. Thank you.
After converting and imported this updated test project to Aerofly FS2 - it looks correct.... Hurray!
But...suddenly the runway texture changes to black (back and forth, see screenshot). :confused:Aaahhh... Now when I was so close to a working solution.
Then the question becomes: What have I overlooked this time? So far I cant figure out.
My final test project: A "clean" runway from scratch.
Inside 3ds max:
One Editable Poly (mesh/grid) + UVW Map.
Polygon:Material ID's = 4 (runway).
Polygon:Material ID's = 5 (outside).Material: Multi/Sub-Object = __airport__runway__ground
Sub-Material: outside = __airport__outside__ground
Sub-Material: runway = name01__airport__runwayI have not used the VertexPaint-tool (hope it can be omitted?).
Hello hartman,
I am happy for you that go got some progress. But I have to tell you that your problem lies in the Vertex colors. You do not need the VertexPaint modifier. I only used it to visualize the Vertex-colors. I usualy use the VertexColor function in the Editable-Mesh modifier. In the “Edit Vertex Color” interface of that modifier,
you can assign a color to your selected Polygone. Simply select of each material using the “material” interface of the and assign the Colors. None-visible is black (RGB : 0 0 0) and visible is red (RGB : 255 0 0).Tell me when if it works.
Hello Wünsch,
Thanks again.
Now I understand how to turn on and off the surface (red and black color).
I changed the runway texture for better visual = brick_color.bmp.
After applying the red color (vertex color) on the runway - I tested again with this result:I understand it must be something with the material - so I put back the "Ambient Color". Now it works perfectly ok.
But I do not understand why we have to use the "Ambient Color" map (dirt_standard_01_color.bmp).
What is the purpose?
BTW: I have now ended up with the "cleanest" (fewest commands) runway I can produce:
My very last test project: A "clean" runway from scratch.
Inside 3ds max:
One Editable Poly (mesh/grid) + UVW Map.
Polygon:Material ID's = 1 (outside).
Polygon:Material ID's = 2 (runway).Select Runway polygons = Material ID 2 + Vertex Color (red).
Material: Multi/Sub-Object = __airport__runway__ground
Sub-Material: ID 1 (outside) = __airport__outside__ground
Sub-Material: ID 2 (runway) = name01__airport__runway
+ Ambient Color = (dirt_standard_01_color.bmp)This test has been important for me in terms of automation.
So thanks for all your help and contribution. -
The Ambiend Color-Channel is simply used for the Dirt-Layer we wanna put on the Textured groundsurfaces. For example the Tiremarks on the Touchdown-zone of a runway. the thing is that the shader kind of works like C = A + B, so you need both components. if you don't wanna create a extra Dirt map, you can simply use a simple texture with a uniform 50% grey color and assign it. So the shader is satisfied and works.
The Dirt map in the Ambient-Color Channel uses the Second UV-Channel, so you can use a different Mapping for all the Dirt spots you wanna put on your runway.