A mor edetailled Flight Dynamics model insight...

  • I wonder if IPCAS Team, which I am almost sure is filled with a BIG TODO list, and even knowing about the wiki, could find some time to write down a more deep /insight article about the approach followed in their Flight Dynamics engine, covering it's potentialities, upcoming plans for fine tuning of areas like Mach effects, engine fine tuning, complex systems implementation, and so on...

    It should focus on the present state of the FDM, what can really be modelled with it right away, covering aspects like the interference between lift / drag / thrust generation objects / surfaces and how they are used to model a given aircraft, how for instance prop aircraft effects are modelled and can be fine tuned in terms of the common prop effects, etc....

    This should be great not only to show potential users and developers how promising this platform really is, but also how it is expected to evolve to further refinements in this particular area.

    Main Simulation Rig:

    Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

    Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

  • Yes, we're on it... I've already written a bunch for the aerodynamics side of things, maybe it needs some more abstraction to describe the gap between the data that you receive from the hand books and the real world / Aerofly physics. I also want to write a bit more about the propeller physics, constant speed props and reverser...

    We have currently planned to write explanations to the existing system depth programming and maybe give an outlook of what how we want to expand this depth in the future. E.g. how we would like to implement a universal FMS class that has all features in it but still has the different man-machine interfaces that you are all used to. (MCDU in an Airbus, FMC in Boeing, Q400, LJ and so on...)... Or how we plan on implementing hydraulics, fuel and all the other great features we haven't had the time to implement yet.

    Cheers, Jan

