I have downloaded the DLC in steam VR and it tells me its installed, after a very long download but I see no content in UTHA. I tried to find salt lake city and the airport along with the others in this DLC simply are not there.
Any suggestions ?
I have downloaded the DLC in steam VR and it tells me its installed, after a very long download but I see no content in UTHA. I tried to find salt lake city and the airport along with the others in this DLC simply are not there.
Any suggestions ?
Did you load from the steam library? Select it and do not close a partial Aero load. Mine took about 2 hours at 20 Mb/sec. It looked good after a re-boot.
i uninstalled the DLC then via the steam app installed again... 5 hours later steam shows the DLC installed but still no airports on the map. Rebooted the system. Checked the steam folder and its now just short of 90GB so the data is all there, but still nothing showing on the location map. Go to say i thought steam was going to make it easier but I think I will go back to P3D with all the pain it entails at least the addons work first time and the downloads from ORBX and FlightSim Store are so much faster.
Such a shame because the sim itself is so much better in VR than P3d, X-Plane or FSX
Aerofly plus all DLC to date would actually comprise about 125GB of data, so something is obviously missing on your end.
Perhaps it is best to stop wasting time with the upload, I uninstalled FS2 and reinstalled the new version overnight. You will not loose your settings and it gives the desired end result without all the pain and dissapointment. Utah is then a straightforward upload (once you find it on the steam library page). Have a look here
Last night I uninstalled everything, 5 hours to reinstall the sim, 5 hours to reinstall the DLC and still no airports. This is after uninstalling the DLC and trying to re-install it twice before. So far I have spent 25hours trying to make this work...... and I am not a computer amateur. Have to say guys you got so much work to do.
Have you enough space on your drive?
When you uninstall Aero completely how much free space do you have? If it is less than about 210 GB it might be an idea to use a bigger disk if you cannot clear some space. I tried compressing my 240GB SSD and Aero and Utah went in OK with plenty of spare space. I will undo the compression now that the install is finished.
Please keep in mind, Utah is part of the UTAH DLC and not the South West Hi Res DLC!