Norway - mesh
Oops, watch that next step.
- Official Post
What latitude did you fly when you encountered this?
For information:
Good terrain models (mesh) are available free of charge at the "Kartverket" (Norwegian Public Service).
- Official Post
Ok, we will have a look at this issue.
Thank you, admin.
Then I will start making some airports in southern Norway where the terrain (mesh) seems to be ok.
Now doesn't that sound inviting - AF2 airports in southern Norway. hmmm. Oslo Fornebu and Gardermoen, Stavanger Sola, maybe even Bergen Flesland. Times are getting better every day.
- Official Post
The elevation data we currently use for world wide coverage only goes to +/- 60 degrees latitude. We do have data beyond that but haven't converted it yet.
May we ask if it would be possible for you to check on how we can download this elevation data for Norway? The website is in norwegian only.
Also do you know if any good aerial image data is available for Norway either for free or for purchase?
Also do you know if any good aerial image data is available for Norway either for free or for purchase?
O boy... this sounds interesting. Norway was my favorite country to fly in (in my previous sims) so I would LOVE being able to fly there in AFS2!!!
The elevation data we currently use for world wide coverage only goes to +/- 60 degrees latitude. We do have data beyond that but haven't converted it yet.
May we ask if it would be possible for you to check on how we can download this elevation data for Norway? The website is in norwegian only.
Also do you know if any good aerial image data is available for Norway either for free or for purchase?
Any reason why you're not using the elevation data by Jonathan de Ferranti? Many flight simulation projects are based on his work and commercial use is generally permitted as long as you contact him in advance.
For imagery seems quite good and can be purchased through one of their distributors at - no information on pricing though.
Totally agree, a Norway scenery will be so great! (and a good opportunity for a new bush plane
Here are other sources of DEMs (others than STRM and ASTER) that may be of interest:
EU-DEM (Europe), developed by the Copernicus Project (with Intermap):
ALOS World 3D - 30m (global) by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (updated March 2017)
May we ask if it would be possible for you to check on how we can download this elevation data for Norway? The website is in norwegian only.
Also do you know if any good aerial image data is available for Norway either for free or for purchase?I have contacted a person in the Norwegian Mapping Authority for the best possible answer. Waiting for feedback.
Meanwhile - here's a little more info how to download terrain model (but I do not know what format Aerofly FS2 uses):…ell-10-m-utm-32…_v1_dtm-10_.pdf
Quote from pdf-file:
Terrengmodellen brukes også i flysimulatorer.. (The terrain model is also used in flight simulators).
Ingen begrensninger på bruk er oppgitt. (No restrictions on use are provided.)
Tilsvarende kan filene lastes ned gratis fra kartverkets side for nedlastning. (...the files can be downloaded free of charge....).
Oslo Fornebu and Gardermoen, Stavanger Sola, maybe even Bergen Flesland. Times are getting better every day.
Sorry, but most of the airports you mentioned are currently on the "flatland" in the north.
- Official Post
Hartman, we looked at the website but its all norwegian, no indication on how to purchase this data and if its ok for usage with Flight Simulators, can you help us some more here and maybe translate what you mentioned in your previous posting? If you want, you can get in contact with us via email at mail (at), this should be quicker.
Hartman, we looked at the website but its all norwegian, no indication on how to purchase this data and if its ok for usage with Flight Simulators, can you help us some more here and maybe translate what you mentioned in your previous posting? If you want, you can get in contact with us via email at mail (at), this should be quicker.
Yes, it will be easier when using email. I will send more info soon.
Sorry, but most of the airports you mentioned are currently on the "flatland" in the north.
What? They must have flipped the country since I lived and worked there.
OK, If the most Southern 10% of Norway is "flatland in the north'" (Red box), then what in the world is the Blue and Green areas?
then what in the world is the Blue and Green areas?
All north is hit by something heavy - maybe an invisible glacier pushes down the country....
Thanks. Whew. Glad we got that cleared up. So Oslo and Bergen are located in the Northern flatlands? I spent a lot of years living and working in Oslo and flying to Bergen and Stavanger for meeting and sometime staying for months on assignments and I never, ever, once saw and area of any size that was naturally 'flat' anywhere in that triangle. So, I am really confused. but, that is not important.
How an entire mountain had to be leveled and a valley filled just to make the new Oslo airport is a interesting story. I bet those earthmoving operators would be on my side of this discussion. Now the Oslo fjord - that is flat, all 60 miles of it but the sides are soooo steep.
What is important is to find out the name of 2 or 3 airports that you are thinking about adding to AF2. That would allow me to get a firm grip on my geography. I know people in North Carolina think everything is North there, but that doesn't make it so.