What am I doing wrong with geo convert tool

  • Hello everybode,

    I am very excited about this tool and have been playing with it for a few hours. However there is something I am doing wrong. I'll describe the steps I took and I hope someone just says...ahhh... you are missing a step here or there!

    -went to mygeoposition.com to find coordinates of Texel (Dutch Island)

    Texel International Airport, Postweg 120, 1795 JS De Cocksdorp, Netherlands


    53.117750053° 7' 3.90'' N


    4.82713404° 49' 37.68'' E

    -Typed in coordinates in FSET and pressed START (used virtual earh service as earth service and FSX as scenery compiler and all other settings : NO)

    This created 4 files (2 .bmp files and 1 .inf file and 1 .txt file)

    -copy-pasted these 4 files in the following folder:
    ....\AF2 scenery sdk and converter\aerofly_fs_2_sdk_tools_20170714\aerofly_fs_2_sdk_tools_20170714\aerofly_fs_2_sdk_tools\aerofly_fs_2_geoconvert\input_aerial_images

    -Ran inf2tfwConverter and pointed to the input_aerial_images. A new .tfw file appeared in that folder.

    -I converted the coordinates using http://ndgrad.co.uk/fs2/fset2tmc/ and pasted the results in the config-sample-only.tmc file with Notepad++

    -Tried to run the geoconvert.exe file but I got an error (initializing error....se tm. log file:

    with following error code

    1.60-elevation: loading configuration file ''= ERROR: (error loading '')

    -Ran the config-sample-only.bat file and geoconvert started running!

    -After message: "succesfull completion" there are NO files in \aerofly_fs_2_geoconvert\scenery\images!

    I tried this 5 times and no results what soever.

    Can anybody help me back on the right track?

    thanks in advance.


    The Netherlands

  • Hello thank you,

    I used something like the following: (not for my Texel tiles but this is the format I pasted in the config_sample-only.tmc

    So only 2 digits after the decimal.

    I did not rename the config-sample-only.tmc file. Should this be renamed in some way and placed in a different folder??



    <[bool] [write_ttc_files][true]>


    <[bool] [always_overwrite][true]>



    <[uint32] [level] [9]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [-4.83 44.42]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [-8.86 44.41]>



    <[uint32] [level] [11]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [-4.83 44.42]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [-8.86 44.41]>



    <[uint32] [level] [12]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [-4.83 44.42]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [-8.86 44.41]>



    <[uint32] [level] [13]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [-4.83 44.42]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [-8.86 44.41]>

  • You are north east of london. If you were south west, they'd both be -ve. You had specified area that you had no satellite images for, hence no final scenery.

    Related to this, I would also like to know how many decimal places should be used. The wiki shows six decimal places being used but sometimes there are problems if there are more than two it seems.

  • Related to this, I would also like to know how many decimal places should be used. The wiki shows six decimal places being used but sometimes there are problems if there are more than two it seems.

    drhotwing1, quote:

    "Note: if the tool completes with no files, your TMC file likely has an error in it. The most common one is using more than 2 numbers after the decimal point for your coordinates."

  • Hello !

    One question :

    Where do I get the min and max lon_lat from ?


    When you set up your area within FSET you will see the North-West corner and Sough-East corner coordinates, use those. You will need to convert them using the website noted in the Wiki tutorial to get the decimal conversion of them. Those will be the coordinates used when making your TMC file. Make sure that you define long/lat in that order, and only use two digits after the decimal (ex. 81.26)

    IPACS Development Team Member

    I'm just a cook, I don't own the restaurant.
    On behalf of Torsten, Marc, and the rest of the IPACS team, we would all like to thank you for your continued support.



  • I did it and created all necessary files.

    When I start aerofly and open the map for the starting point I can see the generated hight resolution map.

    But when i start to fly the landscape is not very high resolution.

    It seem that the standard map is lying over the hight resolution map.

    Do I have to delete any standard map files or what should I do to see the generated high resolution map ?

  • You do not have to delete the standard map.

    What resolutions are you using (FSET), and what levels do you have defined in the TMC file?

    IPACS Development Team Member

    I'm just a cook, I don't own the restaurant.
    On behalf of Torsten, Marc, and the rest of the IPACS team, we would all like to thank you for your continued support.



  • resolution is 1 meter.

    And the level in the TMC file as in the sample file :


    <[uint32] [level] [9]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [15.22 46.86]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [15.66 47.11]>

  • Is it just me, or is your se corner lat number incorrect? Perhaps I am wrong but the se corner lat coordinate should be less than the nw corner...


    Edited once, last by KenR297 (July 17, 2017 at 10:40 PM).

  • You need further levels to get higher resolution. Add levels 10-14 to your TMC and your resolution problem will resolve.

    IPACS Development Team Member

    I'm just a cook, I don't own the restaurant.
    On behalf of Torsten, Marc, and the rest of the IPACS team, we would all like to thank you for your continued support.



  • The naming convention on the TMC entries is very misleading (min/max):

    The following is correct:


    <[uint32] [level] [11]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [-122.33642578125 48.583345413208]> <<<=== The NW corner

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [-120.97526550293 47.6949977874756]> << ===the SE corner


    Note to IPACS: I would prefer it be lonlat_NW vs lonlat_min and lonlat_SE versus lonlat_max

  • I agree that the current naming convention is confusing and if possible should be changed at some point... the suggestion 'lonlat_NW vs lonlat_min and lonlat_SE versus lonlat_max' would be helpful. :)
