Hello everybode,
I am very excited about this tool and have been playing with it for a few hours. However there is something I am doing wrong. I'll describe the steps I took and I hope someone just says...ahhh... you are missing a step here or there!
-went to mygeoposition.com to find coordinates of Texel (Dutch Island)
Texel International Airport, Postweg 120, 1795 JS De Cocksdorp, Netherlands
53.117750053° 7' 3.90'' N
4.82713404° 49' 37.68'' E
-Typed in coordinates in FSET and pressed START (used virtual earh service as earth service and FSX as scenery compiler and all other settings : NO)
This created 4 files (2 .bmp files and 1 .inf file and 1 .txt file)
-copy-pasted these 4 files in the following folder:
....\AF2 scenery sdk and converter\aerofly_fs_2_sdk_tools_20170714\aerofly_fs_2_sdk_tools_20170714\aerofly_fs_2_sdk_tools\aerofly_fs_2_geoconvert\input_aerial_images
-Ran inf2tfwConverter and pointed to the input_aerial_images. A new .tfw file appeared in that folder.
-I converted the coordinates using http://ndgrad.co.uk/fs2/fset2tmc/ and pasted the results in the config-sample-only.tmc file with Notepad++
-Tried to run the geoconvert.exe file but I got an error (initializing error....se tm. log file:
with following error code
1.60-elevation: loading configuration file ''= ERROR: (error loading '')
-Ran the config-sample-only.bat file and geoconvert started running!
-After message: "succesfull completion" there are NO files in \aerofly_fs_2_geoconvert\scenery\images!
I tried this 5 times and no results what soever.
Can anybody help me back on the right track?
thanks in advance.
The Netherlands